133 results found
Show column nullability and default value
When showing results on a table definition, show the nullability defined for it as well as any default value. Now, I see three columns: name, datatype and computed value. Please add two more: Null and Default, preferably in the order: Name, Type, Nullable, Computed, Default
6 votes -
show constraints and default values, allow jump to column in object explorer
When Displaying the search results that match a table column, include default value and nullable in the results.
Additionally allow Select object in Object Explorer to select the matched column.
3 votes -
Option to exclude disabled jobs
It would be useful to have the option to exclude disabled jobs from the search.
4 votes -
Azure Active Directory Authentication for SQL Search
Would be good that SQL Search authenticated through Azure Active Directory, so I could release this tool to many users on my Azure SQL Databases.
If not possible, would be nice to choose which SQL account to authenticate instead of my current account.28 votes -
Show synonym definition in bottom panel
When SQL Search finds synonyms, they're only labeled as "other". Please label them Synonyms and show the definition in the bottom panel
1 vote -
Stop indexing/searching
Sometimes when server is changed it automatically starts Reindex for all databases. Even if one database was selected later, it continue re-indexing and it could be very long. Is it possible to add Stop Reindex button to stop the process?
16 votes -
Search to include schema names
It would be very beneficial if I could search for objects with a certain schema across the databases I choose. I.e. SQL Search trigger on letter-sequences in schema names, just as in table or column names.
As it is, I can only find those objects if they are referenced elsewhere with their schema given (e.g. a stored procedure or a view will give me a hint that a schema exists in a database in a galaxy, far, far away).
15 votes -
Exact Match
Please could you put the "Exact Match" feature back, it was very useful.
22 votes -
In the results pane, add highlight notches to scrollbar to indicate search term locations.
When I do a search, the results pane that contains the text of the object I currently have selected will highlight the search term within the text, but if the object has a large amount of text, I need to scroll and find it. A notch on the scrollbar, like what Google Chrome does with a find-on-page Ctrl+F search, will help with zeroing in on the term within the object's text.
15 votes -
Database selections
1) The last dropdown just shows me the alias names I use to connect to databases so I have no idea which user I'm doing the search under which impacts results based on the privilleges. This should clearly show which user it's searching under please.
2) I'm sat here right now, I've select 1 database to search against out of 300. Yet my search results coming back (after 20 minutes of waiting) keeps including ALL database. I've closed down the search window and tried again, same result. why?
3) Needs to be able to export results from the search window…8 votes -
Ability to maintain settings between searches. When I switch back and forth and open and close it, it goes back to SEARCH ALL, but when I am working, I am usually focused on something and it's quite painful to have to reset the settings almost every-time., We need a checkbox option to PERSIST SETTINGS.
When I am working on something I am usually working in one or two databases but we have 50 databases, I don't need to search all those all the time. I am usually looking for where column names are within tables, I love all the features…
10 votes -
In SQL Search, provide facility to stop the search.
The search facility doesn't stop even if you close the window and starts again with the same search. It doesn't have any button to stop the search if some inputs are wrong.
25 votes -
In SQL Search, provide the ability to exclude searching in comments for specified text
Periodically I'll search stored procedure and functions for specific text and I'll get a lot of hits, only to discover that the hit was on a comment.
For example if we're trying to remove a specific piece of code from all stored procedures, a DBA may make a comment "Removed XXX from stored procedure". Providing the ability to "Not search in comments" would provide a true list of areas that contain the offending code.
19 votes -
Please let me select and change fonts for SQL Search.
I'd like to use my preferred monospaced font cosnsistent with SSMS. I cant find any option to change font in SQL search.
It'll be absolutely great if I could change font for SQL search results.
13 votes -
A set of defaults. When opened it always selects "All Objects". It would be nice to have a way to limit this to "X" by default.
A set of defaults. When opened it always selects "All Objects". It would be nice to have a way to limit this to "X" by default.
11 votes -
Open in Excel
Would be nice to have option Open in Excel the search result.
11 votes -
Improve Exact Match
Improve exact match. When searching for an exact phrase, allow case sensitive search, and the use of AND/OR/NOT or %.
5 votes -
Do not start indexing automatically but let user to start it.
Do not start indexing automatically but let user to start it.
Our two database servers contain many databases. When I switch from one to another, the index is automatically started with the database dropdown box selected all databases as default. It crashes my SSMS a few times or when it did not crash, I need to wait long time to wait it to finish the indexing.72 votes -
Show in results window each location of matching text with ability to jump to next found match (like search feature in SSMS)
Similar to SSMS now where it highlights the side bar with each instance of the matched string, in the results window show me each instance that text was found.
Also like the SSMS find feature, allow me to jump to each instance of the matching text within the page.14 votes -
Disable usage reporting
During installation, I cleared the option to send usage statistics back to RedGate.
So imagine my surprise when the log file shows multiple "Usage reporting request made to" events!
Respect your users' selections - if I choose not to submit usage reports, DO NOT SUBMIT USAGE REPORTS!
8 votes
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