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SQL Compare



252 results found

  1. When using script as a comparison source allow the ability to exclude one or more of the subfolders.

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  2. I need to replicate a database for read-only reporting purposes and the production database is littered with all sorts of default constraints.

    For example:
    ALTER TABLE [schema].[table] ADD CONSTRAINT [DFtablecolumn] DEFAULT ('Unknown') FOR [column].
    This is what the definition is in SSMS.

    In SQL Compare:

    [column] [varchar] (15) COLLATE SQLLatin1GeneralCP1CIAS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DFtable_column] DEFAULT -- No text is available,

    Now the constraint fails AND the comma separator for the next line is missing.

    Another fun one:

    [SCD Surrogate Hash Key] AS (CONVERT([varbinary](64),hashbytes('SHA2_512',coalesce(CONVERT([varbinary](50),[column]),0x00)+0x0001))) PERSISTED NOT NULL,

    And SQL Compare loses all track…

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  3. We really need the ability to specify big timeout periods as we're dealing with large tables with breaking changes (adding constraints) which require rebuilding the table, and we have no luck completing the task due to short timeout in SQL Compare.

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  4. Currently, there is an option to ignore constraint and index names. Please separate out indexes from constraint names.

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  5. I used to review the changes on a separate windows on a vertically aligned monitor. This allowed me to fast review changes of most objects without using the scrollbar.

    Now, for even a small table with constraints, FKs and permissions there is scrolling needed. I need constantly to resize either that upper panel to see objects or bottom one to see changes. SQL review tasks are taking much longer now.

    The Summary view is a nice concept but far from production usability.

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  6. I use something like domain\UserDEV for development and domain\UserPRD for production.

    I can ignore a users permissions but I don't need a list of users that I know won't exist in different environments.

    This confuses business users when I try to show/demonstrate the exported report.

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  7. It would be helpful if the comment header of scripts generated by SQL Compare included the list of Actions present in the Summary tab of the Deployment dialog box.

    We keep copies of all Production deployment scripts, but without scanning through the entire script, it can be hard to identify what is going on in each script. Having an option to include that data in the comment header would make it easier for us to track down and review what changes went out with what release.

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  8. I have found that User Defined Data Types are not scripted after stored procedures that use that data type.

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  9. The behavior of the "Ignore whitespace" option was changed in version 13.3:
    SC-9967: "Ignore whitespace" option is no longer applied to string literals

    This option would retain legacy functionality by adding the ability to still ignore whitespace in string literals.

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  10. I just updated to SQL Compare version and tried to generate an update script for a database.

    Several tables should have had two columns added to them but there seems to be a bug as the generated script followed these steps for each:

    1 Drop primary key
    2 Drop table
    3 Add columns to table

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  11. I would like to see an option when clicking the trash can next to a custom filter rule, it would ask "Are you sure..." (I'll leave the text up to you). Too many times, I have clicked on the trash can instead of the pencil (edit) and poof--all my filters for that object type are gone.

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  12. Currently, when going through differences, the highlighted line can be at the bottom of the window, so subsequent lines cannot be seen. It would be better if the view scrolled around the cursor position so that the current difference was always in the middle of the window.

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  13. Sql compare produces an scp file which is an xml file. However, the contents of the change is compacted and encoded, and not readable in text editor.
    I wish the list of objects to change can be directly readable from the xml. "Generate comparison results report" is bulky and cumbersome. It would be nice if we have some very short summary in the scp file itself.

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  14. Can you add an option that will add the "RefreshView" statement after Alter statements for views?

    Thank you.

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  15. I usually create a snapshot of the target database before each deployment so I can compare again later to see the changes or generate a reversal script on selected objects. Please add the option to the Deployment wizard alongside "Back up target before deployment"

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  16. I have installed the SQL Toolbelt and I would like to update all its components in one shot. Currently, It is possible only by downloading the setup of Toolbelt from Redgate site and "re-installing" the products.

    When I go to Help->Check Updates for particular component, let's say SQL Compare, only this component can be updated. And mostly I have to close All my SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) session and Visual Studio (VS) Sessions for the
    update, which is time-consuming, but I guess makes sense.

    But after this, I start again all my SSMS and VS sessions and When I…

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  17. Save the state of the Group By drop down so that we don't have to change it with each managed project.

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  18. At the moment, extended properties that are varchar or nvarchar are scripted out by SQL Compare as literals ('value' or N'value'). Unfortunately every other data type is scripted out over three lines (plus a GO), declaring an @xp variable of the appropriate data type, SELECTing (not SETting) its value, and finally adding the property.

    With heavy use of extended properties, or even mild use of non-(n)varchar properties, change scripts (and object scripts in SQL Source Control) can become huge pretty quickly. This causes various issues, not least of which is readability during peer review/PR approval.

    I'd like to see this…

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  19. There should be a way to Export HTML via "Generate Comparison Results Report" using Command Shell.
    When we have a ".scp" file which contains the Information about the Databases to be compared, which is saved as a project.scp.
    In this case, if we have a ".scp" file, then is there any command to export the html.?

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  20. 1) SQL Compare has handy database snapshot ability to a folder. It would be great if rather than creating 1 database snapshot at a time you could tick each of the databases you'd like a snapshot created for.

    2) Would be cool if like SQL Multiscript tool, you can speficity multiple servers and databases and have the snapshots named and/or placed in folders with server and database names.

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