Separate the Include Storage Option - “tablespaces and partitioning” into two options
With the release of Schema Compare for Oracle V3.1.3, the one Ignore Storage Option was split into 7 separate options (plus the Include All Storage Options). One of the 7 separate options is the “tablespaces and partitioning”.
Please consider splitting the option into two separate options one for "tablespaces' and the other for 'partitioning'.

This was released in v 5.7.12.
Oli commented
still waiting for this one....
Oli commented
agree completely, these should not be placed in the same option
Ji commented
So disappointed the partition interval option is pulling every single partition created on the fly in prod. All we want is the original ddl not the auto generated extensions
Liping Woods commented
Tablespace and Portioning are two different table characteristics. In the practical database environments, there are situations we would only want the partitioning but not the tablespace to be deployed into production, or vice-versa.