Edit a project
Please add a way of editing an existing project

In Source Control for Oracle v5.7, you can update your database credentials – https://documentation.red-gate.com/soco/release-notes-and-other-versions/source-control-for-oracle-5-7-release-notes.
In 2019, we released Redgate Change Control, which is our migrations-based solution for versioning database changes. We are working towards merging these 2 tools into 1 tool for all your database versioning needs. At this time, we’ll hope to have a better way to edit other project information.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
I upgraded to the latest version 2 days ago and have noticed that there is no way to edit a project. So I imagine by "latest version" you mean a version that will be released shortly?
Anonymous commented
There is another suggestion that has around 30 votes that is the same as this one. Having the ability to change passwords is essential. I think the other comments cover most of the reasons and identify accurately that this product should not have been released without the ability to change passwords. It is a bug more than a "feature request".
Anonymous commented
The lack of this feature makes your product seem very clunky and unprofessional. It is common for people to change their DB passwords. So your solution is to delete the project then re-create it every X number of days, depending on password security policy. I'd see this as a bug rather than a feature. I locked my DB account several times trying to figure this thing out, becase I thought, "surely they wouldn't have done this without the ability to change the password"... "It is here somewhere". But nope it isn't.
k.halbinger commented
editing of passwords should authentication change
This is a basic functionality and should be included. imagine having 20-30 projects... creating new projects every 3 months is not a good practice. -
John commented
To me, this is basic functionality that should be included.
Todd commented
I would like a way to add schema's after the project has been created.
Also, the ability to change the connection info would be great too. -
Eddie commented
If the user of Source Control for Oracle needs to change the security credentials to the Oracle Server, the user needs to create a new project. Please add the feature to be able to change name and password for the Oracle server without having to rebuild project from scratch.
Haytham commented
Adding/Dropping schemas after creating a project one of the biggest limitations I face when using this product. In many times, I had to drop the entire project and create new one with the additional schema.
reddy commented
Sometimes when there are errors in connections like when it can reach the repo's server & we change credentials and correct it. Then we have to refresh all manually ??
Please Add refresh all & select multiple to refresh at once. -
arvind commented
It would be great if we can clone (create like) an existing project and edit details that we need to change like project name/repo as we might be connecting to same db a lot of time and we dont have to type in all details again and again.
Leena commented
Oracle username and password is asked only during configuration of project. If we change database password after setting up project then we have to delete the project and recreate it. So I would like to see ability to modify database username and password.
Curtis commented
Specifically I would like to see the ability to add additional schemas after a project has been created.
Georg Klein commented
This also affects the SVN credentials, Source Control seems to read the credentials from Windows or somewhere else and store them internally when a project is created. Since passwords might change, there should be possibility to edit the username/password for the SVN server.