Support SQL Compare Project Configuration Options
When evaluating schema for changes compared to source controlled versions is would be nice to be able to use the same options available in SQL Compare project options.
For instance changing a comment on a line already containing a comment isn't detected as a change, additionally format (whitespace) changes are not detected as well.
While this specific scenario is important to my development process not everyone will need the same scenario supported, but the compare options available in SQL Compare are a great place start allowing users control how changes are detected.

SQL Source Control v3.0.5.7 includes a mechanism to allow comparison options to be configured. To get this version, please run Check For Updates from the Help menu in SQL Source Control.
Comparison options can now be set via a configuration file in your database repository’s Working Base folder. The following article describes how to configure this option:
Our plan in the future is to provide an options dialog to allow users to configure the comparison options that are changed most often, but we believe this configuration file procedure should help users in the interim.
If you’d like to see an options dialog exposing these settings in SQL Source Control, please vote on the following idea – – and let us know which options you’d like to see exposed in the dialog.
SQL Source Control v3.0.5.7 includes a mechanism to allow comparison options to be configured. To get this version, please run Check For Updates from the Help menu in SQL Source Control.
Comparison options can now be set via a configuration file in your database repository's Working Base folder. The following article describes how to configure this option:
Our plan in the future is to provide an options dialog to allow users to configure the comparison options that are changed most often, but we believe this configuration file procedure should help users in the interim.
If you'd like to see an options dialog exposing these settings in SQL Source Control, please vote on the following idea - - and let us know which options you'd like to see exposed in the dialog.
Ryan commented
I agree with Steve, it would generally be an initial setup rather than repeated changes during a project life cycle. Glad to hear its making its way into the build.
SteveP commented
I would expect once its set for a project/source control link you wouldn't want to change it. So it would be an initial setup. Changing it after you've attached the DB to your Source control would result in lots of blanket commits and noise in the version control history.
We plan to add support for SQL Compare comparison options via an editable configuration file initially (hopefully during Q1 2012).
How often would you change the comparison options you use? Would occasionally updating a config file be ok for the final solution or does the frequency you change options mean that an options dialog is signifcantly preferable?
artim commented
The other options are also important: Ignore case sensitivity, ignore default Constraint names, ignore changes to the order of creation of indexes, etc.
Have you tried ignoring collations in SQL Compare (there is an option for this) when generating the deployment script?
SteveP commented
Being able to exclude collations from the check in scripts is crucial. We deploy on multiple collations and have to manually find and remove all the collation statements after our commit before we build an installer. When we have the DB build itself we want it to use the default server collation not a hard coded entry.
Hasan Alakan commented
I agree with optional user permissions. I belive Source Control works with default SQL Compare options at the moment. It is ignoring the synonym scripts too.
Peter Forsberg-Madsen commented
In SQL compare you can chose to ignore Users’s permission and membership, with helps us deploying (user is not the same on test/dev/prod as part of the security model). We really would like to be able to have roles checked in, but without users permission. It really do not make much sense to add a filter ignoring users, but they still gets it’s permission checked in on roles and Stored Procedures.
Hi Ben,
There's a seperate suggestion for excluding objects (svn ignore feature) at . You may want to add votes there...
Ben commented
I'm not sure if this comment is appropriate for this suggestion. If I should put it in a separate suggestion, let me know.
It seems that the compare engine is the same one used in SQL Compare. If so, it would be great to have the same set of options that are provided there, or even better, if SQL Compare is installed, pull from the default options.
In addition to the compare, it would be helpful to have an option to exclude all objects of a specific type (i.e. Users, Roles, etc)