Commit check in comment needs to be larger
text area too small- didnt even notice it. Would be good to have multiline comments.

This is available in SQL Source Control v2.1
Tanya Joseph commented
We have implemented this for v2.1 and have a release candidate available for download:
AndrewJacksonZA commented
Any news about this issue? It would be really, really appreciated if this feature could be implemented because often there is not just one change at a time and one doesn't want to have to say "Please see call GDI-8764 in our issue tracking system for more information" on every database commit.
Thank you
Troy Hunt commented
Absolutely agree with this one. If you're simultaneously committing multiple changes and want to clearly list them in the commit message, it's very difficult to do on a single line.
Ken commented
Have to just reiterate how much this is needed. So frustrating...while code (non-SQL) comments have line feeds for readability with this tool I've got to keep it all on one line, can't use tabs, and generally need to make it harder for anyone to read what was posted with the commit.
Merged another similar suggestion:
Allow multiline comments
Committ messages don't neccessarily need to be limited to one line long. We use trac as a project management system, which allows us to use wiki markup in our committ messages. I'm sorely missing my bullet point capabilities :( -
Merged a similar suggestion:
Commit messages area is too small, it doesn't support multine comments either, many commit messages need a "bullet list" like commit messages allowing to describe exactly what changes happened, please allow multiline commit messages and a larger/more visible commit area.