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SQL Compare



252 results found

  1. You should create a dark theme (gray or black) UI for us who are constantly staring at your interface...

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  2. I have some stored procedures created in database A with the statement 'create proc' and in databse B with the statement 'create procedure'.
    An option to allow me to ignore this case will very useful.
    Thanks, Ésio

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  3. Main window which displays comparison results needs more color so differences standout. Little black boxes to indicate same, differences, left, right are not easy to quickly focus on. Must be a bug with the window sizing. Cannot size comparison results screen which spreads all content out and server/db for source and target at opposite sides of my 24' monitor. Can't size columns either.

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  4. Option to delete identical records from Target.

    I had the need to find all identical rows and remove them from the target as they shouldnt be there. I had to use the export to CSV, and using the data generator create a table with the 81k id's and then perform a delete in sql managment studio on the temp table to delete them.

    It would be so simple an usfull to be able to just select an option to delete identical rows from target in the Data compare or is there an option to control this
    I can choose to…

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  5. Add the Last Modified Date Column to the Comparison Report, like it's shown in the Application.

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  6. I use SQL compare periodically as I have many clients who have the same core DB and so during development I use SQL compare iteratively to update schema, table and stored procedure changes through the 30 instances of the databases. I noticed that it progressively gets slower and consumes more RAM. Obviously I can close and restart to get a new allocation and it speeds up again. But I noticed that when starting it was consuming about 180Meg, then after maybe 15 compares the memory allocation was close to 1Gig. So something is definitely being allocated and not freed up.

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  7. In the "SQL Differences" pane, tabs are expanded to 8 characters.

    (Can get very messy depending how other employees have formatted the contents of stored-procs)

    Could there be a way to allow this to be customized [e.g. to 3 chars] ?

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  8. The project option gives you the ability to ignore based on certain filters e.g. white space. However, if any other difference is found, when you display the comparison it highlights the things you told it to ignore. If in the case of white space, every line shows a highlighted difference for a white space difference, but the one actual difference you are looking for is impossible to find without scanning the whole comparison. Ignore should give you the ability to ignore in the comparison view also (for any ignore project option).

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  9. I would love to have the option to ignore the StatisticsIncremental setting on indexes much the way "Ignore StatisticsNoRecompute" works. I currently have two DBs - one has this option on all indexes and one has it on none. Currently SQL Compare flags all indexes as different even with "Ignore Statistics" turned on. The only option is to ignore Indexes entirely which isn't practical because those are the most frequently changing objects between the DBs. I'm currently still using SQL Compare 10 because it does not pick up the Statistics_Incremental option but I would love to be able…

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  10. I would like to suggest that SQL compare tool also have to support SSIS package compare. Currently I am at the position that I have to compare SSIS packages between two servers and find out if any SSIS packages missing plus if any SSIS packages on old version etc. Currently I am talking about SSIS packages reside in MSDB but even if it can be compare between file system, that will be great.

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  11. My usual diff-ing tool (BeyondCompare), allows me to pick which, from a list of differences, I want to go through to a final version. I guess you might call this more of a merge-conflict-resolver than a diff-tool.

    What is great about this, is that when changes have been made on both sides, I can take the 'best of both', and make sure that those go through to the final output.

    Now, you might say, 'how indisciplined', to have had changes on both sides. But I've found that here, as elsewhere, absolute discipline is an aspiration, but not the answer to…

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  12. I'd really like this ignore option, so that [UserA].[Table] on the left hand side would match with [dbo].[Table] on the right hand side. There obviously needs to be a warning that this won't work unless table names are unique between owners/schemas (which, in my experience, they usually are).

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  13. We have 3 environments for one of our core applications. Each environment has a different database name: dbproto, dbuat, and db_live for an example.

    We keep all the SP, Views, and Functions we develop in a separate database so at no time do we alter the database supplied by the vendor. This database name is the same in all three environments.

    Because of the name difference for the vendor database all the SP, Views, and Functions are flagged as different. The only difference for 95%+ of them have is the database name (eg dbproto vs dbuat).

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  14. When remote using Windows Remote Desktop, the main application window is not resizable. The resize cursor does not show when hovering over the edges or corners, and I cannot click and drag to change the size.

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  15. For example, add an "IF" as below:

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals where name = 'xxx\yyyyyy')
    CREATE USER [xxx\yyyyyy] FOR LOGIN [xxx\yyyyyy]

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  16. Provide more support for resizing the app window...not the instance window ...that fine. The app window expands to the whole screen....this gives me the irrates as I need to get at stuff behind the SQL compare window

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  17. It is an option in sql replication to map rowversion/timestamp columns to binary(8) columns. It would be a nice option for sql compare to allow for this difference between databases. Without it every table is flagged up as being different which is a headache.

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  18. Using SQL Compare version 11 for Microsoft SQL Server, I can exclude a user from the schema comparison:


    This works fine for excluding the user.

    However, the comparison engine does not exclude the user's mapping to roles. The script includes sp_addrolemember commands for the excluded user.

    When excluding a user, I expect their role assignments to also be excluded.

    I suspect this behavior may exist with object exclusions for other object dependencies. Have not tested other scenarios.

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  19. It would be really cool if RedGate would consider building an ERD Tool that would allow you to visually design your database schema using drag and drop before deploying to SQL Server (either generating the deployment script or deploying directly from the application)

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  20. Any differences involving usages of SQLCMD variables would be ignored with the option turned on.

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