Connect same database to multiple branches
We use the shared database development model and can have several projects going at once. Some developers may jump back and forth between projects. It would be nice to have the ability to setup a single database connection to multiple branches. Possibly using the SSMS registered server name instead of the physical server name.

Chattabaugh commented
Link database to source control takes over 20 minutes of a DB with 3000 objects (mostly SPs)
Clicking on Commit Changes to Source Control can take equally as long or longer
@Chattabaugh - Thanks for the feedback. Which part of the process of linking takes 20-30 minutes?
Chattabaugh commented
We have shared development environments that can be used by multiple projects at the same time. When someone works on more than one project they must unlink and link Source control to the different branches. The Process can take upwards of 20-30 minutes to link some of our databases.
Jason Felton commented
We have 10 years of kludged sql that use linked queries which forces us to have only one instance of each of our databases. Our SVN environment is set up w/ trunk being exactly what's in production and branches that will be re-integrated into trunk once they're deployed. So being able to switch branches would be an excellent feature for us.
Is there any reason why multiple databases can't be set up, each linking to a different branch?
Andy commented
This is an excellent idea.