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SQL Prompt



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63 results found

  1. After upgrading to SQL Prompt 6 (6.1), I notice reduced performance and I occasionally get "SQL Prompt cannot retrieve objects from <some database name>. (etc)", which reference a database that I do not use or am ever likely to use and IIRC have never used. It seems SQL Prompt is trying to cache objects for all databases on the connected server. That would be overkill, and only serves to slow it down and cause errors such as the one mentioned.

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    1 comment  ·  Intellisense  ·  Admin →
    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    This was likely due to the synonym support added in 6 which will try to offer suggestions by loading databases that the synonyms are referencing. In the latest build of Prompt this is optional (under Suggestions→Connections) and off by default.

  2. When typing a GRANT statement I no longer suggestions after the "TO" for domain users or groups that exist in the database. I only get SQL Users.

    Please include all users in "Security\Users" after the "TO" in the GRANT statement intellisense.

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    1 comment  ·  Intellisense  ·  Admin →
  3. I really like the new feature in 6 that allows Ctrl-C to work to copy sections of scripts. However, I am missing an easy way to copy the entire script from the code pop-up. The copy button use to do this when nothing was selected in the pop-up window. Restoring this functionality would be appreciated.

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    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    SQL Prompt 6.1 has now been released and has the copy button returned to the popup.

  4. When using snippet with version before 6 (5ish), I could just hit tab and it will give me the correct code. However, with version 6, sometimes (half of the time), the first choice is nothing. It will do nothing rather than giving me the code for that particular snippet. Please fix it. It's very frustrating.

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    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    Hi Jay, I think this was fixed a while back but if you’re still encountering any issues with it let us know.

  5. It would be nice to be able to extend the intellisense matching to skip things like underscores. For example, if the table was called cardpickupstaging, you could match it with pickupstaging or upstag.

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  6. I find that in longer stored procedures, declared variables often don't show up as I start to type them. E.g. typing @ towards the beginning of the sp shows me a list of the variables, however if I'm further down in the proc, they ofter are not listed.

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    1 comment  ·  Intellisense  ·  Admin →
  7. Hows about Code sniffing? For checking code compliance with user defined standards. Like checking column names conform to a defined standard, warnings on bad practices etc. You know all those little annoying things like no clustered index, use of cursors instead of set based ops, use of Select * or of Insert into tableA values (a,b,c).

    All driven by user defined rules? With larger dev teams the standards docs always left to the side. If it could work on input and in some sort of batch mode (on sql source control check in?) it would be nice.

    I've been looking…

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    completed  ·  Frederico Jeronimo responded

    We’re happy to announce that we introduced code analysis in SQL Prompt 9+. For additional information see:

    You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from

    If you have any ideas regarding improvements to Prompt’s code analysis, please feel free to open further UserVoice requests.

    Thank you for your help!

    Kind regards,

    The Prompt Team

  8. 6 votes

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    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    We’ve just released SQL Prompt 6.1 which shouldn’t slow down SSMS with huge scripts.

  9. Intellisense does not seem to recognize variables declared within the current stored proc. This would be helpful.

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  10. When using default values for INSERT can you display GETDATE() instead of getting the current date and displaying that?

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    1 comment  ·  Intellisense  ·  Admin →
  11. When using a variable of a user defined table type, make intellisense smart enough to recognize the data type and provide the columns similar to if it were an actual table.

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  12. Small suggestion, but I would find this useful!

    When hovering over a column you get a balloon that states:

    [Table Name].[Column Name] [Data Type] (column)

    If this could include 'NULL' or 'NOT NULL' this would be super :-)
    Possibily even more, such as default values or identity status?

    [Table Name].[Column Name] [Data Type] [NULL/NOT NULL] (column)

    SQL Prompt is an excellent bit of kit, top work guys!

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  13. Intellisense should pop up when a character is added after table is selected so when there is a table named SalesOrderLine it should be suggested even after the table SalesOrder was chosen via tab if i type further without a space.

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    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    The latest version of SQL Prompt (6.3) should show the suggestions again once you type the “L” after SalesOrder

  14. Add a flag to order suggestion columns name by column order (not alphabetically).

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    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    The latest version of SQL Prompt 6.3 should show column suggestions by the table schema definition order.

  15. Enhance snippets to support arbitrary fields like Visual Studio or SSMS 2012.
    So say I had the following snippet "dups" defined
    SELECT *
    FROM $tablename$
    WHERE $columnname$ IN
    SELECT $columnname$
    FROM $tablename$
    GROUP BY $columnname$
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
    I would type dups{tab}mytable{tab}mycolumn{enter}

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  16. Hi!

    Please consider this statement

    update t1
    set t1.value = t2.value
    from Table1 t1
    join Table2 t2
    on t1.ID = t2.ID

    When you have the cursor in the set-block of the statement, SqlPrompt doesn't know what 't1' means and which columns t1 has.

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  17. When a column is defined as rowversion or timestamp, please automatically exclude it from insert table column list.

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  18. If I have already typed in the alias name for a table, then suggestions after a period should always have the column names at the top. Sometimes, a code snippet shortcut or other unrelated item pops to the top of the list.

    For example, if I am have typed in:

    SELECT * FROM [sys].[tables] AS T
    WHERE [T].is

    Then, the snippet for INFORMATIONSCHEMA shows at the top of the list. Since I already have put [T]., it should have the column names such as ismerged_published, etc. at the top of the list.

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    1 comment  ·  Intellisense  ·  Admin →
  19. Here’s what’s happening: I am typing along and I hit space instead of tab which does not complete the fill in (I actually like this so I don’t want to add the space as a completion key). I would like a mappable key combination to get the prompt to re-open.

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    1 comment  ·  Intellisense  ·  Admin →
    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    Ctrl+Space will bring back the suggestion box, but also the latest build of Prompt will bring it back if you just continue typing after you left off (if you didn’t purposely hide it with esc)

  20. Display the scale and precision (length) of data types like numeric and varchar in pop-up hint windows. This would be a very helpful feature to keep data types consistent throughout a database if one doesn't want to set up a user data type for each and every column that stores data types with additional parameters like, for instance, the scale and precision.

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    completed  ·  Andrei Rusitoru responded

    This feature was released in version 7.3 of SQL Prompt.

    If there are any missing features please let us know by creating a new suggestion.

    Kind Regards,
    The Prompt Team

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