Display the scale and precision (length) of data types like numeric and varchar in pop-up hint windows
Display the scale and precision (length) of data types like numeric and varchar in pop-up hint windows. This would be a very helpful feature to keep data types consistent throughout a database if one doesn't want to set up a user data type for each and every column that stores data types with additional parameters like, for instance, the scale and precision.
This feature was released in version 7.3 of SQL Prompt.
If there are any missing features please let us know by creating a new suggestion.
Kind Regards,
The Prompt Team
Orlando Colamatteo commented
In addition to the information provided when hovering over a column or variable, I would also like to see the precision and scale shown in the Summary tab of the dialog offered after clicking on a table name. At present we only see "numeric" or "decimal".
Paul White commented
Native 2012 IntelliSense supports precision and scale for local variables at least; SQL Prompt provides no support at all.
-- Native 2012 IntelliSense reports "local variable @s numeric(10,4)"
-- SQL Prompt reports "@s numeric (ScalarVariable)
DECLARE @s numeric (10, 4);
SELECT @s; -- hover over @s