Code sniffing
Hows about Code sniffing? For checking code compliance with user defined standards. Like checking column names conform to a defined standard, warnings on bad practices etc. You know all those little annoying things like no clustered index, use of cursors instead of set based ops, use of Select * or of Insert into tableA values (a,b,c).
All driven by user defined rules? With larger dev teams the standards docs always left to the side. If it could work on input and in some sort of batch mode (on sql source control check in?) it would be nice.
I've been looking around but unable to find any products like this for SQL server, there looks to be a good one for PHP though. all it need do is use blue squiggleys to highlight to the user with tooltips to describe the breach.

We’re happy to announce that we introduced code analysis in SQL Prompt 9+. For additional information see:
You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from
If you have any ideas regarding improvements to Prompt’s code analysis, please feel free to open further UserVoice requests.
Thank you for your help!
Kind regards,
The Prompt Team
RC commented
Check out Ubitsoft SQLEnlight. I think it works much better than SQLCop, and would be a better model for Red Gate to follow if they were looking to make a similar tool.
Have you tried ? Admittedly it's a separate operation, so having some sort of "as you type" feedback would be a very nice feature.