63 results found
Ability to set "Show schemas" as the default option for the candidate list
When object names appear in the candidate window for an autocomplete, the schemas are not shown by default. Clicking on the the arrow in the bottom left of the window will show them, but this setting is not remembered so you have to do it each time. Also there's no keyboard shortcut that I can find to do this. Add the ability to set this popup to show the schema names by default.
7 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.3, which can be downloaded from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Enable prompting within a raiserror()
For any attempt to use Intellisense within a RAISERROR() there is no prompting - list says "No suggestions".
RAISERROR('Not at 12hrs UTC - time is %s',0,1,@<<Nothing-here>>) WITH NOWAITAlso reported as a defect on the SQL Prompt Forum
2 votesThe latest version of Prompt should give you suggestions within a RAISEERROR
Add support for spatial functions/methods
Need Intellisense for the spatial functions and geography/geometry data types, especially since they are case sensitive, and annoyingly a mixture of upper and lowercase.
7 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Bring back native SSMS intellisense when disabling SQL prompt
When disabling SQL prompt (or when a trial ends) the default SSMS intellisense is not getting back to work.
This is especially important since there are a lot areas that the native SSMS intellisense is much better than SQL prompt (I will try to post all of them), so one might try to take advantage of it.3 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
improve performance in SSMS when CTE statements are in the script
Or maybe an option to disable parsing of statements using CTEs. My keyboard takes seconds to respond when several CTEs are in the script.
5 votesWe’ve just released SQL Prompt 6.1 which shouldn’t slow down typing when CTEs are used
Give us a configurable option to "Always show table schema in suggestions list"
We use a separate schema (z_audit) to capture data changes from dbo tables as a complete audit trail. The tables in each schema are named the same. Every time I come to the suggestions list, I either take it as read that the top table listed is in the dbo schema, or must click that little arrow at bottom-left to "show schema", involving having to grab the mouse just to expose the schema when we're supposed to be efficiently keying; no mousing involved unless we need to use a different suggestions tab...
An option that toggles this to OUR preference…
3 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.3, which can be downloaded from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Please provide intellisense even when not in the current database
In SSMS when accessing a table that is not in the current database (using the three part convention) then no intellisense is coming up for the fields (such as in the where clause)
1 voteSQL Prompt now supports suggestions from other databases when using the three part convention.
Kind Regards,
The Prompt Team
Supprt Quoted identifiers for prompting
If you go
SELECT * FROM sys.tables AS t
SELECT * FROM sys.tables AS [t]then intellisense will happily carry on working correcly, with t. now showing object members.
SELECT * FROM sys.tables AS "t"
SELECT * FROM sys.tables AS 't'both cause the intellisense to give up for the rest of the batch. All four identifier markups are valid (for now) and should be treated equally...
1 voteSQL Prompt 6.3 resolves quoted identifiers correctly
Support for SQL CMD Mode
Please add support for SQL CMD mode. When SSMS is in SQL CMD mode, SQL Prompt pretty much becomes disabled when :setvar is used to define an object (e.g. table) name. Thus, in the code:
:setvar mytable "dbo.mytable"
select * from $(mytable)SQL Prompt is of no use. SQL Prompt should be able to resolve $(mytable) to the base object.
17 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.5 which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
inserted and deleted tables should be supported in triggers
There is currently no support for the 'inserted' and 'deleted' tables within triggers. They should be treated as equivalent to the original table that the trigger is attached to.
37 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.3, which can be downloaded from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Intellisense for system stored procedures
I just needed to re attach a database from a single mdf file. Something I do every 6 months or so and every time I have to google the command and its syntax. Would be helpful so SQL Prompt recognised and helped with these and other inbuilt procedures and their parameters, for example:
23 votesIn 6.4 we always provide intellisense for system stored procedures if the query is being run against master.
If you’re running against a normal db then we hide the system stored procedures by default as they clutter the suggestions list. There’s a couple ways to get around this, either by qualifying with “sys.” or using the “List system objects” option. A video on this can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8DOTmHkKo8
Extend the column toolstips with the nullable attribute
Extend the column toolstips with the nullable attribute, like this "ic.Attachment varchar(max) not null (Column)"
4 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
CTE Support
It would be nice if SQL Prompt could parse CTE expressions and provide prompts just like for regular tables
14 votesThis issue has been reported non-reproducable in recent versions of SQL Prompt.
Add ability to include earlier tables in the Join Clause
When writing a query that joins to several tables, the Join Clause only seems to look at the previos table to determine what columns can be used to join on. For example, when typing out the following query:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[employee] AS E
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Department] AS D
ON [E].[DepartmentID] = [D].[DepartmentID]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Position] AS P
ON ...When I look at the options for the ON clause for the join to Position, it doesn't include any columns being joined back to the Employee table. It would be nice if the suggestions would include at least any foreign…
41 votesWe’ve released SQL Prompt 6 which includes all tables in a join clause.
Ability to flip the sides in an auto generated join clause
When I write a join statement I put the last table that I am joining to the other tables on the left side of a join clause. For example:
FROM tblOrder o
INNER JOIN tblIOrder_Detail d
ON d.OrderID = o.OrderID
The auto-generated join clause would be "ON o.OrderID = d.OrderID". It would be nice if it was possible to customize this behaviour to choose which side there will be each table/alias on.Thanks
27 votesWe’ve released SQL Prompt 6 which includes an option to swap the order of columns in join clauses.
add semi colon to insertion keys
Could we have a check box to allow us to have the semi colon as one of the insertion keys (Main->Behaviour)?
It's not as common as the other keys there but when I'm about to finish a script I can't just hit the semi colon key.
12 votesWe’ve added semi colon to the list of insertion keys in 6.2 which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Provide support for CLR functions
The object text exists as normal for CLR functions (or at least enough for provide auto suggest on object name and number of params and types), therefore please can function which are backed by CLR be available in the suggestion list
47 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
select column names
after typing select and adding table name the popup box that shows the table summary (column names and their types); if these rows(column names) be clickable, select columns could be filled from that list instead of typing.
3 votesSQL Prompt contains a “Column Picker” feature that should do what you’re requesting.
You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from https://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/.
If there is something missing please let us know by opening a new suggestion.
Kind regards,
The Prompt Team -
Suggestions missing for longer T-SQL code
I have some longer Stored Procs and other T-SQL code and it appears that after some number of lines between the declaration of a variable, table, etc., and its subsequent usage, SQL Prompt no longer suggests the object.
I would have sworn there was an option that I could configure to say how many lines of code to look-back for declared objects.
Can we get that back?
22 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
intellisense for SQL functions
In Visual Studio 2010, when I type in a function name and then the open paranthesis, I'm shown some intellisense that tells me what type of parameters I need to type in. For example, if I type (using VB.Net) "Dim da as Date=DateAdd(", it tells me the first paramter is "Interval as Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interval", and so forth. It would be nice if SQL Prompt did this for built-in (or even user created) functions, e.g. the DATEADD SQL function. I can never remember exactly the parameter sequence of that function, and it would be nice if SQL Prompt showed me like VS…
12 votesSQL Prompt already did this, but there was a bug with certain built-in functions, including DATEADD(), that prevented the tooltip from appearing. This is now fixed in SQL Prompt 5.2.
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