intellisense for SQL functions
In Visual Studio 2010, when I type in a function name and then the open paranthesis, I'm shown some intellisense that tells me what type of parameters I need to type in. For example, if I type (using VB.Net) "Dim da as Date=DateAdd(", it tells me the first paramter is "Interval as Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interval", and so forth. It would be nice if SQL Prompt did this for built-in (or even user created) functions, e.g. the DATEADD SQL function. I can never remember exactly the parameter sequence of that function, and it would be nice if SQL Prompt showed me like VS does.

SQL Prompt already did this, but there was a bug with certain built-in functions, including DATEADD(), that prevented the tooltip from appearing. This is now fixed in SQL Prompt 5.2.