Add ability to include earlier tables in the Join Clause
When writing a query that joins to several tables, the Join Clause only seems to look at the previos table to determine what columns can be used to join on. For example, when typing out the following query:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[employee] AS E
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Department] AS D
ON [E].[DepartmentID] = [D].[DepartmentID]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Position] AS P
ON ...
When I look at the options for the ON clause for the join to Position, it doesn't include any columns being joined back to the Employee table. It would be nice if the suggestions would include at least any foreign key relationships so that if I have a FK between Position & Employee it would include that in the suggestions

We’ve released SQL Prompt 6 which includes all tables in a join clause.