277 results found
Refactoring INSERT into UPDATE
I wish there where a shortcut/command to change a statement like
INSERT INTO Mytable(Id,Code,Label) VALUES (@Id,@Code,@Label)
SET Id=@Id, Code=@Code, Label =@LabelEven if it looks trivial on this statement, doing it with a table with 10+ Columns might be cumbersome.
79 votesWe’re happy to announce that this feature is now included in SQL Prompt 9.3. For additional information see: http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SP9/SQL+Prompt+9.3+release+notes.
You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from https://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/.
Thank you for your help!
Kind regards,
The Prompt Team -
I would like to export results to Excel directly
In the result window, right click and select all and have an option to export selection to Excel (new spreadsheet) or to an open spreadsheet at the current location.
3 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 7.1 which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Highlight the invalid objects within the Alter script(s)
Highlight the invalid objects within the Alter script(s)
7 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 7 which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
intellisense for SQL functions
In Visual Studio 2010, when I type in a function name and then the open paranthesis, I'm shown some intellisense that tells me what type of parameters I need to type in. For example, if I type (using VB.Net) "Dim da as Date=DateAdd(", it tells me the first paramter is "Interval as Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interval", and so forth. It would be nice if SQL Prompt did this for built-in (or even user created) functions, e.g. the DATEADD SQL function. I can never remember exactly the parameter sequence of that function, and it would be nice if SQL Prompt showed me like VS…
12 votesSQL Prompt already did this, but there was a bug with certain built-in functions, including DATEADD(), that prevented the tooltip from appearing. This is now fixed in SQL Prompt 5.2.
More options for saving results from grid
When saving results from the grid in SSMS the only option is to csv. It doesn't include headers and if your data has commas in it, the csv file becomes formatted incorrectly. An option to go to excel, or a tab delimited txt file, or choosing the delimiter would be useful.
1 voteSQL Prompt 7.1 includes an “Open in Excel” context menu item. You can download the latest version from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Insert Snippet Via Right Click
Really like snippets, but sometimes I'd prefer to add a snippet by looking through the list of those available.
Snippet shortcuts work well for things I do all the time, but I'd like to be able to use it as a repository for useful sql, and would therefore like a different way to insert, ie, via right click menu or even from the menu bar.
10 votesWe’ve made several improvements to snippets including new insertion options.
You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from https://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/.
Here is the documentation for how to insert snippets using the various available methods: https://documentation.red-gate.com/sp9/speeding-up-your-queries/inserting-snippets
If there is something missing please let us know by opening a new suggestion.
Kind regards,
The Prompt Team
A wildcard search when
select * from <tablename> now we only see table names starting with the key, but it would be very nice to have the exist in it as well.
so tra -> will result in traffic but also mytraffic3 votesThe latest Prompt has partial matching for suggestions
Suggestions missing for longer T-SQL code
I have some longer Stored Procs and other T-SQL code and it appears that after some number of lines between the declaration of a variable, table, etc., and its subsequent usage, SQL Prompt no longer suggests the object.
I would have sworn there was an option that I could configure to say how many lines of code to look-back for declared objects.
Can we get that back?
22 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Enhance Press tab to expand
Right now, if I have
Select * From TableA As ta
Inner Join TableB as tb On ta.Key = tb.Keyand I "Press TAB to expand wildcard" only the fields that are in common get qualified with the table aliases. I would like to see an option of ALWAYS having the table alias added even if there is only one table.
5 votesFeature was already present through options.
Share Snippets
Add the ability to change the snippet file folder location so as to share snippets between users,or machines for the same user. Of course the change would also need to check the folder for new snippets on startup and at the request of the user, the latter being important for those of us who leave ssms running for long periods.
23 votesWe’ve released SQL Prompt 6 which includes the option to specify where snippets are stored.
Resizable Options-form
It would be great if the Options-forms was resizable (and the formsize was stored when closing the form).
The 'Sample SQL' textbox would then be larger so all SQL code is visible with the formatting options that are chosen.
6 votesThe options form is now resizable in SQL Prompt 6.2 which can be downloaded from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
GROUP/ORDER BY Suggestions
It would be nice, if the suggestions list for GROUP BY would include all the all the not aggregated SELECT list columns first.
For ORDER BY, all the columns/aliases or their ordinal, and add checkbox for ASC/DESC.72 votesSQL Prompt 6.5 now suggests the non-aggregated columns first for GROUP BY, with aggregated columns suggested first in HAVING clauses. You can download this version from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Option to highlight parenthesis matches
In order for the braces/parenthesis highlighting to work currently, you must run the native Intellisense feature in SSMS, which creates some issues with SQL Prompt. If this were written in as part SQL Prompt, we'd be able to turn off Intellisense completely.
51 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.3, which can be downloaded from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Import and Export all SQL Prompt options
It would be nice if there was a way to import and export all SQL Prompt options like how you can import and export format styles.
39 votesThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.5 which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Expose all formatting options in the UI
There appears to be several items (BEGIN and END tabbing, table declaration placement, number of tabs for the join condition...etc.) that happen automatically when you click Refactor that Format SQL that you can't configure in the UI.
39 votesThis feature is now included in the new SQL Prompt 8.0. For additional information see: http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SP8/SQL+Prompt+8.0+release+notes
You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Thank you for your help!
3 votes
We’ve released support for this in SQL Prompt.
You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from https://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/.
Here’s the updated documentation for the Script as ALTER feature: https://documentation.red-gate.com/sp9/navigating-your-code/scripting-an-object-as-alter
If there is something missing please let us know by opening a new suggestion.
Kind regards,
The Prompt Team
Add $SUGGEST$ placeholder in snippets
I would like to see an additional placeholder, maybe called $SUGGEST$, added to the snippets. This placeholder would position the cursor like $CURSOR$ and bring up the suggestions as if you hit CTRL-space. This would resolve an annoying issue that some of us see with our SSF snippet when we have a space after the FROM clause, and we are then required to hit CTRL-space to bring up the suggestion after expanding the snippet. (See forum post: http://www.red-gate.com/MessageBoard/viewtopic.php?t=12423)
7 votesAs of SQL Prompt 5.2.8, the suggestions list will pop up automatically after a snippet insertion — if it would be sensible to do so (e.g. if the list would normally pop up if you typed the snippet out by hand).
Improve tab & parenthesis placement of subqueries ...wherever placed in query
Would like improve tab & parenthesis placement of subqueries ...wherever placed in query ...be it in JOIN, WHERE, HAVING ...or even in SELECT ...ALSO would like option for 1st tabbed item in SELECT list to be the starting position on each row for each subsequent item which includess the placement of the 'prefixed' comma ...see below...
BEFORE (Current formatting)...
, f2
, f3
f9 = 'x'
) AS e
ON e.f1 = b.f1
AND e.f2 = b.f2AFTER...
, f2
, f3
WHERE…17 votesThis feature was released in version 8.1 of SQL Prompt as part of our rework of parentheses formatting.
If there are any missing features please let us know by creating a new suggestion.
Kind Regards,
The Prompt Team -
Rank suggestions by popularity
I would like to suggest a ranking feature when the suggestions list appears. At my place of work, if I want to select out of the customer table I will often type 'cu' then tab the rest. However this is the snippet for creating a user. This is also useful when many tables begin with the same prefix, but one is used far more often than others. With ranking, the more an object is used, the higher up the list it will appear, like browser history entries in Firefox for instance. This would reduce the number of keystrokes necessary and…
70 votesOn 14th May we released Prompt 9.5.3 which includes a feature to show recently used suggestions.
This will be the first iteration of work to rank suggestions so we’re keen to hear feedback and ideas for improvement.
More details in the release notes here: https://documentation.red-gate.com/sp9/release-notes-and-other-versions/sql-prompt-9-5-release-notes
In Format --> Tabs & Wrapping there is no option to keep and actual TAB character, instead a tab is converted to the user configurable number of spaces.
This one is especially important for me because we have other code checking for TABS not (2,3,4,6,8) spaces. I now need to run a powershell script to convert the spaces back to a TAB.
Would be great to allow TABS to remain as TABS.
55 votesWe’ve released SQL Prompt 6 which includes support for tabs.
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