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  1. I would like the ability to source control a subset of rows in a table.

    We have a table with extra rows in DEVELOPMENT for dev purposes ONLY. I don't want to track these in version control or deploy these.

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  2. I have around 20 schemas that I need to check. So I propose a dashboard that we can use to setup the schemas and then initiate a compare for those that we want to check.

    This is to replace the functionality of the Source Control for Oracle, that we lost with the Flyway desktop. Having to open each Flyway project separately takes a long time, only to find no changes to the schema.

    The Source Control did this all at once when you opened it, it showed all the registered schemas in one big list. It would then go off…

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  3. It would be nice to be able to store the configuration normally in flyway.user.toml in a standard location instead of within the project folder.

    Since .user.toml files are ignored by git then they need to be backed up and restored when the project is cloned to another machine (or deleted and re-cloned).

    Instead it would be better if user settings where stored somewhere like ~/.flyway (macOS) and $env:APPDATA (Windows) so they can be migrated between machines easier.

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  4. Migrations through the Desktop UI would be better if there were checkboxes to either apply migrations up to a certain point or just choose which migrations to apply.

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    This is on our longterm backlog.  If we get more votes, we can re-prioritize.  Currently, you need to add the CherryPick or Target parameter in the advanced options and then copy and paste the version number(s) from the table.  

    Thank you!

  5. Currently, every time you open a project it automatically does a comparison between the Development database and the schema model. It also does an automatic comparison when switching branches in the VCS window. I might not always want this as I may not be pointing to the database I want to compare and have to wait for this comparison to finish before changing.

    Having an option to disable automatic comparisons and only perform them when clicking the Refresh button would solve this.

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  6. Our project has 40+ schemas. Some of the schemas have several hundred stored procedures, functions, and views. We would like the option for the schema name to be a subfolder under each object type instead of the schema being a prefix on the file name. This would make it easier for developers to find the script files on disk during development as there wouldn't be thousands of files in each object folder.

    For example, instead of
    the path would be

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    We now have the full model by schema in Flyway Desktop. You can learn more and try the feature at Does this help or would you still want this replicated in the project folder on disk? Thank you!

  7. It would be an incredible relief if a re-baseline were possible without manual intervention.
    The steps described in the documentation for performing a re-baseline should be carried out automatically by the tool.
    Or flyway only continues from the latest baseline.

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  8. I would like to be able to use shift to select a group of consecutive objects in the list of objects on the Schema Model tab. If I want to use Apply to Database for just tables and user-defined-types, I current have to select each individually, or perform multiple searches on the object type in order to narrow the list and use the 'select all' check box.

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  9. To increase user acceptance, it would be very useful if the following steps were possible in flyway Desktop Enterprise without having to set parameters manually:
    1.) Skip migrations and mark as applied
    2.) Carrying out cherry-picking migrations
    3.) Execution of out-of-order migrations

    This could be done, for example, via a menu entry in the migration list.

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  10. After I generate (or manually add) a migration script, it's automatically added to the migrations folder in the project. I want to organize my migration scripts better. Maybe by sprint or release number. Let me create subfolders in the migrations folder when I generate (or manually add) a migration script and save the script in that subfolder. I know subfolders are automatically included in the flyway migrate command.

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    Right now, migration scripts will be placed in the default migrations folder.  Use the blue folder icon in the top-right of Flyway Desktop to jump to your project on disk.  You can then move the migration script into a sub-folder in the migrations directory.

    If you move the migration script to a different folder (outside of the migrations directory), then you'll need to update your locations configuration to account for both folders. 

    We do plan to add this to the GUI, but don't have a timeframe yet.

  11. The JDBC only makes provision to connect to database setting integrated security to true or false, when false we need to provide a username and password, which we do by using the library. But this is a SQL User and we want to use an MSA account for Audit purposes. Microsoft Service Accounts don't require a password to be set as it is passed from one server to the next when the connection between any 2 or more previously set up servers has been configured to use MSA. We need a way for flyway to authenticate by making use of…

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  12. Incorporate the ability to adjust Filters into the GUI so you don't have to manipulate the JSON file manually. This was an option in SQL Source Control. It just looks like it wasn't incorporated into Flyway yet.

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  13. Security is more important then ever and company networks restrict permissions of Windows users.

    Change Installer of Flyway Desktop to not needing elevated privileges (admin account) anymore.

    Updating it should be easier.

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  14. We have an application that likes to disable and enable triggers during loads so these get in different stages depending on the state of our database. It would be nice to ignore these and not see them as differences when looking or comparing them in Flyway Desktop. We can't exclude them in our database as they are triggers that we need but we really don't need to compare them to source control since we know that one is enabled and the other is disabled its ok for us as the application turns these on and off as necessary.

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  15. The "Link to a development database" wizard could be made more user friendly by moving less commonly-used options behind an expandable "Advanced Options" tab and providing auto-complete for database names once the server is known.

    Specifically, the Port, Encrypt, Trust Server Certificate, and JDBC URL fields could be hidden behind an expandable Advanced Options tab because they are less likely to be used or changed. Port, Encrypt and Trust Server Certificate should retain the last used values as they are likely to be consistent within any given organization.

    The Host and Instance fields could also be combined into a single…

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    Thanks for your feedback.  We have started on some designs to improve the layout of this dialog.  We may have to move the auto-complete for database names into a separate suggestion, which I'll do when I update this.

  16. SQLprompt has a bunch of rules in there, I'd love to see the performance rules available in Flyway

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