70 results found
Bring back the Project Browser in Compare 12
The Project Browser, that could be opened at startup, was replaced in Compare 12 with a much less useful standard Open File Dialog. Please bring back the browser. See also, https://forums.red-gate.com/viewtopic.php?f=200&t=80066
18 votesWe’ve now brought back the project browser as an option in the latest release: see https://forums.red-gate.com/viewtopic.php?f=200&t=80430 for more details
v UI is sow and blocking compare to previous version
unsure what is causing this, but i find the new version to much less performant.
1 voteWe’ve just released SQL Compare to Frequent Updates, which some performance improvements when selecting/deselecting large numbers of tables. The performance improvement is particularly noticeable when the source is a scripts folder and the target is a live database over a network connection. (SC-9157) Does this solve your problem?
BUG: SQL Difference pane shows non-existing differences in preview bar
The preview bar on the left of SQL Difference pane shows dark blue segments for the lines that have no actual difference at all. It also appears that it is showing them for the comment lines generated by the tool, like -- Columns and -- Permissions. Version Professional
1 voteWe think we’ve fixed this bug in the latest Frequent Update release, version 12.0.34. Does this solve your problem?
BUG::With SQL Compare 12 it unselects or changes selected items when changing the deployment direction
When using compare to create out db rollout packages, we also create the rollback by changing the deployment direction. There is a bug where I could have items selected. Then I change the direction and no items are selected. Also had at one point where I selected a table did both directions. Unchecked the table then selected 2 sprocs. Changed the direction and it unchecked the 2 sprocs and reselected the table. This causes much headache and time to our process. Potentially we could miss items for our rollback solution and not know it until a time or rollback. Also…
6 votesWe think we’ve fixed this in the latest Frequent Update version, Does this version work for you?
Couple Fixes needed for the UI
With the new UI several things are now "broken".
First of all, on the Project dialog, the Database Drop Downs do not select the entry that matches what's in the text box.
So if I have a list of database such as:
DB C2and the Text says "DB C", when I click the button for the drop down, it doesn't highlight it. So what that means is if I want to change it to DB C2, I either have to start typing in the name again, or scroll through the list until I…
1 voteWe’ve implemented these features in the latest Frequent Update release, version 12.0.34 – does this work for you?
Start-up position not saved
SQL Compare (and SQL Data Compare) still don't save their position on last close. It will always start in the upper left hand corner of the screen. I know this was reported before and it is shown as fixed but I'm running and it's still a problem on a fully patched Win7 Pro computer.
1 voteHi Michael,
This was fixed in which is currently available on our frequent updates channel. You can switch on frequent updates by following the guide below. This change will be rolled into a default release later this month.
If you are still encountering issue with the start up positioning of the application following this update please could you get in contact with our support team by emailing support@red-gate.com.
David -
Version 12 crash report - let me view data being sent
I sent two crash reports today. (Unhappily the first time I ran version 12.) It did not describe or let me see what was being sent. I don't really feel comfortable with that. I'd like to know what is being sent before I send any more reports.
4 votesAs of SQL Compare and Data Compare 12.2.4, the exception report dialog has a “view report data” button which will allow you to view the exact data which would be submitted to Redgate.
We primarily added this feature to ensure users could assess any possible impact on their privacy, although the feature could also be used to dig through the data and recover the table name our support engineers found.
At time of writing, 12.2.4 is on our frequent updates channel, and we expect to release the feature to default channel soon.
Checking or Unchecking item to sync resets position of scrollbar to the top
If you check or uncheck an item to sync the scroll position gets reset to the top of the screen and have to manually scroll down to your previous position. Very annoying.
2 votesWe’ve released a fix for this issue to our Frequent Updates channel.
reinstate open data compare from schema compare
Prior to v12, you could run schema compare and then click a button to open data compare with same data sources. seems to have gone now
1 voteWe’ve still got this functionality, but we’ve moved into a more general bit of UI – see https://www.red-gate.com/blog/building/sql-toolbelt-product-switcher for some more details.
Use Case
I think it would be great if once you create a script from SQL Compare you would add the 'use db_name' as the first line to ensure the script gets ran on the correct database. Often I send my scripts to other teams to run and this will ensure they are running the script on the correct database. I believe SQL Data Compare already does htis after you create a script. Keep up the good and I can't say enough about how awesome your tool set is!
3 votesHi Robert,
This should already be supported by switching on the “Add database USE statement” option on the edit project screen.
David -
Remember location of main window when last closed
The main window always opens taller than my screen. I then have to close the modal project window to re-position the main window. The program should remember where the main program window was if not maximized when closing so it opens in same position next time.
9 votesWe have fixed this issue in the latest frequent update release (
Bug - Rename Table and Field
Table tblTableA with field fldFieldA is renamed tblTableB and field fldFieldB.
Then map tables between two different databases.
Script snippet generated in renaming field is something like:
IF (COLLENGTH(N'[dbo].[tblTableA]', N'fldFieldA) IS NOT NULL) AND (COLLENGTH(N'[dbo].[tblTableB]', N'fldFieldB') IS NULL)
EXEC sp_rename N'[dbo].[tblTableB].[fldFieldA]', N'fldFieldB', N'COLUMN'
Obviously I have omitted other script details, but hopefully you get the idea, that this will not work as the table has been renamed.Rob
0 votesUpdate: It turns out this bug was really easy to fix – we’ve released it to our Frequent updates channel.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for your feedback. I’ve managed to reproduce this issue locally and I’ve logged it with reference number SC-8948.
I’m going to close this user voice request since this is for a bug rather than a new feature. (We track these in a slightly different way and want to make sure we triage this appropriately). If you’d like to track the progress of this fix please get in contact with our support team by emailing support@red-gate.com.
David -
Connecting to SQL Database By Using Azure Active Directory
With Azure SQL Database there is an option to connect by Azure AD account. It is one of the first citizen authentication type in Microsoft Management Studio 2016.
I suggest adding this types of authentication into RedGate products (especially into Compare and Data Compare).
Details here: https://azure.microsoft.com/cs-cz/documentation/articles/sql-database-aad-authentication/
45 votesHi!
As part of v12.4.9 release (frequent updates release), SQL Data Compare and SQL Compare now support Azure Active Directory authentication with integrated and password authentication methods. These options are available in the ‘Authentication’ dropdown in the ‘Database’ section of the ‘Edit project’ window. Note that this feature requires .NET 4.6 and adalsql.dll to be installed; see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-aad-authentication-configure#configure-your-client-computers for more details
Let us know what you think!
Add more items to “Recently used” drop down? It would save me a ton of time if this drop down could remember just 3 more.
We have 3 servers with 3 databases in each, so a total of 9 possible connections. The "Recently used" dropdown only displays 6. So I am forced to click the "Browse source control..." option, which results in a lot of clicks to navigate down the tree to the proper location.
How do I add more items to “Recently used” drop down?
It would save me a ton of time if this drop down could remember just 3 more.
3 votesI’m pleased to say we’ve increased the number of most recently used items to 10 in the latest release of SQL Compare ( This is currently on our frequent updates channel. For information of how to enable frequent updates please see http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SC12/Turning+on+Frequent+Updates
Generate USE [database] on top of the script
Just adding USE [database] on top of the script will help people to guarantee the changes are not deployed to the wrong database, especially when you just copy/paste into SSMS
1 voteThis feature is now supported by using the “Add database USE statement” option on the project options tab.
Documentation on all available options in SQL Compare can be found here: https://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SC11/Setting+project+options#Settingprojectoptions-AdddatabaseUSEstatement
SQL Compare: Add option to disable the feature "columns were mapped automatically"
When I want to rename a column I save a script with the ALTER clause.
The functionality that automatically maps columns can be really annoying and can cause incorrect renames in production databases. I would really like to be able to disable this functionality. I also think that it shouldn't be turned on by default.10 votesSQL Compare V12.1 adds an option to disable this automatic mapping behaviour. The feature is described in our release notes:
Please let us know on the forum thread for the feature if you have any feedback for us:
Help > Contents site is broken
FYI - http://help.red-gate.com/help/SQLCompare11/help_5.aspx?lang=en fails to load with YSOD
1 voteThanks for reporting this – the problem is now fixed.
Make your software work better.
Used to have SQL Compare on SSMS, went on this morning to find it gone from the menus. Now have to reset the tool in my SSMS menu.
Went to the SQL Compare help menu to try to figure this out, go to Help / Contents, when I click on this it opens up a web page at the following location - http://help.red-gate.com/help/SQLCompare11/help_4.aspx?lang=en - which is not a valid page - gives me a "Server Error in '/help' Application. - Runtime Error" page.
What gives?
1 voteHi there Phil,
Sorry you experienced an issue with SQL Compare. We hadn’t updated part of the help site after some recent changes. We have just updated and it should be fixed now.
Many thanks,
Jonathan Watts
- SQL Compare Team
- Software Test Engineer -
Bug with compare script when trying to sync constraint names (v11.3.0.7)
I have table A with named default constraints and a named PK, table B is identical except the defaults and PK do not have a name.
When I run the deployment script to make table B the same as table A it does not handle the primary key and generates an error:
Msg 1779, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Table 'tableA' already has a primary key defined on it.I also note there is a link at the top of the screen to report bug, however when I click it (http://www.red-gate.com/messageboard/viewforum.php?f=154) I get the message "The forum…
1 voteThis bug is fixed in SQL Compare version 11.3.8
— Mike Upton, Project Manager
Pls ignore constraint names in schema compare. I dont want to ignore the constraint itself just the name
Pls ignore constraint names in schema compare. I don't want to ignore the constraint itself just the name
1 voteThis feature already exists – there are two relevant Compare options: Ignore constraint and index names, and Ignore system named constraint and index names. These are described in more detail in http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SC11/Setting+project+options#Settingprojectoptions-Ignoreconstraintandindexnames
If this does not work correctly for you, please e-mail support@red-gate.com and let us know what’s going wrong.
- Don't see your idea?