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SQL Compare

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SQL Compare



70 results found

  1. I'm documenting my databases using extended properties on the database level, and I've tried various options, but I can't find how to compare the database extended properties. We have dev, test, and production environments, so I need to sync these properties between the environments so they don't get lost when restoring dbs between them.

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  3. When applying a filter with "Starts with underscore" it removes all entries with underscore in the name, even when they underscore is not at the beginning of the name. Please fix. My upgrade scripts missed important stored procedures because of this apparent bug.

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    This problem has been fixed in version 11.2 (currently only available via frequent updates). We have added new ‘Like’ and ‘Not like’ filter match operators which honour all SQL LIKE wildcards, and changed the previous ‘Begins with’, ‘Ends with’, and ‘Contains’ to stop treating them as wildcards.

    You may need to edit existing filters to take advantage of the new behaviour.

  4. First this may be more apparent as tedious in my case, we happen to have large tables with decent sized indexes. I would appreciate if through the setup of a SQL Compare project I could impact index create or rebuild behavior through the selection of on\off toggle for the switches that are available upon creation of an index.

    I use some options more than others with the most frequently added option being SORTINTEMPDB = ON. I use this because when building large indexes I want to try and avoid as much as possible any unintended file growth by…

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  5. Our indexes are tuned and maintained in production. Database development is done elsewhere and moved using SQL Compare. Therefore we don't want to compare indexes. However, if we don't compare indexes, then the primary keys are not created. If we do compare indexes, there is a real risk that production will be damaged.
    This problem could be prevented by treating primary key indexes differently from other indexes. That this is even necessary is an implementation quirk of SQL Server.

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    completed  ·  Andrew Farries responded

    In SQL Compare, released today, we have made a start on giving users more fine grained control over exactly which indexes are deployed.

    We have added a new `Ignore performance indexes’ option which will ignore all indexes except primary keys and unique constraints.

    We realise that there is more we can do in this area, so we would like to hear your feedback about whether this new option is helpful and how we can do more.

    Feedback on this feature can be posted on the forum thread:

  6. This step is often skipped when I click on Next from Step 1. The Deployment Wizard will skip straight to '4 - Review Deployment Script'. This behavior is inconsistent: sometimes '3 - Review Dependencies' IS enforced even though it is skipped and other times it is not. In our situation, the rule is to NOT enforce dependency changes.

    This has bitten me several times in the past, so I now always click on Back when on Step 4 to see if Step 3 was enforced or not. Of three deployments today requiring SQL Commpare, two of them exhibited this behavior.…

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    completed  ·  Michelle Taylor responded

    We’ve seen this behaviour occasionally and believe we have fixed the problem in 10.7 – could you try upgrading, and email if you are still experiencing this problem?

  7. Don't offer upgrades that remove your license. I have a licensed version of the product, it asked me to upgrade and now it's asking me to enter my serial number. I didn't realize that the upgrade would take away my licence. I want my original licence back, these kind of ninja money grabs are just plain awful.

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  8. Simple really, allow an option to ignore the change tracking options on tables

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    completed  ·  Michelle Taylor responded

    We’ve added an Ignore Change Tracking option in Frequent Update (now available on the main update channel in

    You should be able to get this version now with Check for Updates if you have a valid support and upgrades contract.

  9. xml, html and excel reports for database differences (using options) include everything similarities as well as differences. Since, xml is excellent way to import data to SQL, it would be great if those reports included only differences (so that the file size is smaller). Right now the differences can only be output to text file if I am not mistaken.

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    completed  ·  Michelle Taylor responded

    When you generate a report, there is a check box just above the last line in the dialog ‘Also include identical objects’ – if you uncheck this, then only differences will be output in your report.

  10. I have a server that I have to change the password on a lot, and can never (rarely) remember if I have changed the compare tool for the new password. I guess I could switch the servers around so that was the first it tries to get objects from. BUT it would be a nice feature to have it fail before doing any actual work.

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    In SQL Compare 12 we have changed the comparison workflow so that we register both databases in parallel. This will allow the comparison to show you errors connecting to your target database before all the objects in the source have been registered.

  11. In previous versions of sql compare you were able to use the underscore character as part of your filters (exclude if object name begins with _)

    This no longer works and as underscores are fairly common when creating sample objects (at least in my company this makes it impossible for us to use.

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    This problem has been fixed in version 11.2 (currently only available via frequent updates). We have added new ‘Like’ and ‘Not like’ filter match operators which honour all SQL LIKE wildcards, and changed the previous ‘Begins with’, ‘Ends with’, and ‘Contains’ to stop treating them as wildcards.

    You may need to edit existing filters to take advantage of the new behaviour.

  12. (This is actually relevant to both SQL Compare and SQL Source Control.)

    We really need to be able to distinguish between unique and non-unique indexes when comparing, checking in, and deploying database schema changes. ("Unique indexes" include primary keys, unique constraints, and unique indexes on tables and unique indexes on views; "non-unique indexes" include non-unique indexes on tables and views.)

    Unique indexes are essential to the database development process. They make a significant functional difference to the behavior of the database: they enforce business rules and referential integrity; they limit the data that can be entered into the database; foreign…

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  13. Along the lines of this post:
    Before we could right click and choose a database to be the source or the target of the comparison. Now I find myself having to choose the target as the source then press switch and then choose another source using the "compre to" option - it's quite a step backward from the previous integration.

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  14. 7 votes

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  15. The integration into SSMS is far worse then previous version. Prior versions allowed selecting the second DB for the comparision by dragging onto the search pane from the object explorer. This took care of selection and login. Now we have to select the server, database and login as descreet tasks instead of just dropping and dragging. This was not an improvement.

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  16. The ability to include an option for 'IF EXISTS' based on the object type. The IF EXISTS would need to be generated per database object. This would greatly assist in cases where you have 'similar' yet slightly different environments that you expect to be the same, yet may have had a patch applied early etc.

    You would need to be able to specify whether you drop and recreate, leave alone, or anything else that might make sense.



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  17. When in the project window (showing you your recent projects you have loaded) it would be nice if you could just double click on an item to get it to load. Currently you have to click on a line to highlight it, then double click on it to load. It would be very nice if you didn't require the highlight step and part of the double-click would also highlight and open the item clicked on.

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  18. I've asked for this many times since SQL Compare 7.

    Please allow us to see the Last Modified Date on the objects. The information is VERY easily obtained.

    select objectid, Modifydate from sys.objects where type='P'

    It would be very useful and beneficial to see.

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    completed  ·  Andrew Farries responded

    We have just released an update to SQL Compare V12 on the Frequent Updates channel containing this feature. For tables, views, functions and stored procedures the comparison grid will show an extra column indicating when the object’s schema last changed.

    Feedback on this is best posted on the forums:

    We are interested in hearing whether this solves your problems and about any further improvements we can make.

  19. There is no option to choose to open with ssms2012 in the dialog that is shown for deployment, i can choose ssms2008 but not 2012. Is this available somewhere?

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  20. I have have set "My Default" options then these should always be used, regardless of how I come to the project (but especially for any new projects). Currently if I launch SQL Compare from SSMS integration the Red Gate Default options are used.

    Steps to reproduce:
    Select a database, right click > Schema Compare / Deploy
    Drag a database over for the Target
    Compare/Deploy with SQL Compare

    SQL Compare uses "My Default" options
    (I have Ignore > Permissions)

    SQL Compare uses Red Gate Default options

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