179 results found
Ignore Permission Changes in Source Control
We are only interested in source controling the object definitions. We have a lot of volatile permission changes which we don't want to record, and its actually a hug obstacle constantly having to go in and check off 300 objects to commit just because someone changed a users permissions on them.
62 votesSQL Source Control v3.0.5.7 has been released and allows you to configure comparison options – inlcuding ‘Ignore Permissions’. To get this version, please run Check For Updates from the Help menu in SQL Source Control.
Comparison options can now be set via a configuration file in your database repository’s Working Base folder. The following article describes how to do this: http://www.red-gate.com/SupportCenter/GeneralContent/knowledgebase/SQL_Source_Control/KB201202000521
Our plan in the future is to provide an options dialog to allow users to configure the comparison options that are changed most often, but we believe this configuration file procedure should help users in the interim.
If you’d like to see an options dialog exposing these settings in SQL Source Control, please vote on the following idea – https://redgate.uservoice.com/admin/forums/39019-sql-source-control/suggestions/2615460-add-an-options-dialog-to-allow-configuration-of-co – and let us know which options you’d like to see exposed in the dialog.
Commit check in comment needs to be larger
text area too small- didnt even notice it. Would be good to have multiline comments.
60 votesThis is available in SQL Source Control v2.1
Evaluate TFS Policies (Rules) when Committing DB Changes
We need SQL Source Control to comply with the policies in force for the project. eg. Checkin policies, associate with workitem policy.
57 votesSQL Source Control 3.3 now evaluates TFS policies when committing DB changes. For more information see http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SOC3/This+commit+doesn%27t+meet+the+server%27s+policy+requirements%2C+or+the+policy+isn%27t+configured+on+your+machine.
To upgrade, use SQL Source Control’s “Help > Check for Updates…” menu item, or download directly from http://www.red-gate.com/dynamic/products/sql-development/sql-source-control/download.
Ignore collation, PK name, FK name
During the script compare, it would be nice to be able to ignore collation, PK names, FK names, etc...
I have the same table on two servers, PK for the table is call PKOrderDetails76E0ADF on the other its called PKOrderDetailsAC45C0F.
Given that its a rather hefty clustered index, I don't particularly want to recreate it just to have the name in sync.
57 votesSQL Source Control v3.0.5.7 has been released and allows you to configure comparison options – including ‘Ignore Collation’ and ‘Ignore constraint and index names’. To get this version, please run Check For Updates from the Help menu in SQL Source Control.
Comparison options can now be set via a configuration file in your database repository’s Working Base folder. The following article describes how to do this: http://www.red-gate.com/SupportCenter/GeneralContent/knowledgebase/SQL_Source_Control/KB201202000521
Our plan in the future is to provide an options dialog to allow users to configure the comparison options that are changed most often, but we believe this configuration file procedure should help users in the interim.
If you’d like to see an options dialog exposing these settings in SQL Source Control, please vote on the following idea – https://redgate.uservoice.com/admin/forums/39019-sql-source-control/suggestions/2615460-add-an-options-dialog-to-allow-configuration-of-co – and let us know which options you’d like to see exposed in the dialog.
Treat renames as renames instead of a drop and an add
When renaming (tables in this instance) the commit changes dialogue says that there are drops and creations - this will possibly confuse rollbacks etc
Is it possible for the interface to "understand" renames?
55 votesSQL Source Control 3.0 is now available!
It includes a new feature called ‘Migrations’ that will help avoid data loss when renaming a table as it allows you to create, store and share SQL migration scripts for accurate deployment.
For more information about Migrations, please visit:
http://www.red-gate.com/supportcenter/Content/SQL_Source_Control/help/3.0/SSC_Working_With_Migrations -
Centralized uninstaller
I had to uninstall RedGate SQL Toolbelt today, and this involved uninstalling 13 separate products individually. It would be nice if the easy installer could uninstall just as easily.
(So you aren't disappointed that I uninstalled: I was switching over to the MySQL tools.)
54 votesWe now have a centralized uninstaller (this will not work when uninstalling products before they were updated with the new uninstaller)
Actions in a submenu would be useful
I can right-click on a database (or item within) in Object Explorer and see a choice labelled "SQL Source Control", but all it does is open the tab in the main area. It would be great if it also had a submenu (like TortoiseSVN does in Windows Explorer) which offered "Update", "Commit", "Show log", "Diff", "Revert", "Delete" and so on. Actually it would be great if the latter actions were offered at all (show log, diff, etc.) because to do them now, I need to jump over to Windows Explorer and use Tortoise.
50 votesIn EA2 (v0.2.1), we added Commit and Get Latest to the Object Explorer right click menu. If you would like other features, please vote/comment on the following (we would need to implement these first before adding them to the right click menu):
Revert/Undo Pending Change – http://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/39019-sql-source-control/suggestions/491513-revert-undo-pending-change
Show Log/History – http://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/39019-sql-source-control/suggestions/471982-tab-for-svn-log-show-history-
Open DB from Source Control – http://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/39019-sql-source-control/suggestions/459952-open-a-database-from-source-control
Diff/Compare with previous version – http://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/39019-sql-source-control/suggestions/491523-diff-or-compare-versions-of-an-object -
Improve speed of getting latest changes and updating for large databases
It takes 5mins to update the latest changes on my insanely fast computer. Although getting the latest changes are OK but registering base and calculating changes take ages! Please improve :)
50 votesWe’ve put out a wide variety of performance improvements on our Frequent Updates channel that can be found at http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-source-control/frequent-updates and we’ll be rolling them into our normal stable releases every few months – if you haven’t tried a new version lately, it might be worth seeing if your performance issues are improved in the latest releases.
49 votes
The new 2.0.3 Early Access build now supports source controlling your databases with Perforce.
To get the new Early Access release please visit the following link:
Please note that we don’t support accessing the history directly from within SSMS when using Perforce.
Allow me to specify where to save the Working Bases (e.g., Disk/Drive D instead of C)
The WorkingBases are saved on disk C:\Documents and Settings...”.
To save disk space on C:\, we would like the Working Bases on the disque D:\ (we have databases with more than 5000 procs). Is there a setup somewehere ?47 votesIn SQL Source Control v3.3, you can now configure the location of your working bases. Information is at https://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SOC33/The+specified+path%2C+file+name%2C+or+both+are+too+long.
Allow me to filter the objects on the commit/get latest tabs
Provide option to filtering based on type of objects just like sql compare and then select all or unselect all option. This will speed up the selection process.
41 votesObject Filtering appears in SQL Source Control from version 2.2.
For more information, please visit:
http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-source-control/featuresWe’d love to hear from you if the object filtering feature does not satisfy your request – please add a comment.
Support SQL Compare Project Configuration Options
When evaluating schema for changes compared to source controlled versions is would be nice to be able to use the same options available in SQL Compare project options.
For instance changing a comment on a line already containing a comment isn't detected as a change, additionally format (whitespace) changes are not detected as well.
While this specific scenario is important to my development process not everyone will need the same scenario supported, but the compare options available in SQL Compare are a great place start allowing users control how changes are detected.
40 votesSQL Source Control v3.0.5.7 includes a mechanism to allow comparison options to be configured. To get this version, please run Check For Updates from the Help menu in SQL Source Control.
Comparison options can now be set via a configuration file in your database repository’s Working Base folder. The following article describes how to configure this option: http://www.red-gate.com/SupportCenter/GeneralContent/knowledgebase/SQL_Source_Control/KB201202000521
Our plan in the future is to provide an options dialog to allow users to configure the comparison options that are changed most often, but we believe this configuration file procedure should help users in the interim.
If you’d like to see an options dialog exposing these settings in SQL Source Control, please vote on the following idea – https://redgate.uservoice.com/admin/forums/39019-sql-source-control/suggestions/2615460-add-an-options-dialog-to-allow-configuration-of-co – and let us know which options you’d like to see exposed in the dialog.
A "Recent Messages" Button for Comments Like on TortoiseSVN
I find the "Recent Messages" button on the TortoiseSVN Windows client extremely useful. I really miss this feature on SSC.
40 votesSQL Source Control now has a drop down next to the comment box on the commit tab, which shows your recent messages. :-)
SQL Source Control Git Hook Support
Sql Source Control can be made better by adding support for git hooks in the Sql Management Studio Source Control interface.
Example: Create a pre-commit hook to stop outgoing commits if tsqlt tests do not pass.
Expected outcome: A commit that fails the pre-commit hook should not be created. This is the behavior of the git command line.
Current outcome: Sql Source Control does not respect the git hook and bypasses it allowing the commit to be made.
37 votesSQL Source Control 7 has now been released. In this version, SQL Source Control now uses the Git command line for all its Git interactions, which means it will support any Git hooks that have been configured.
You will need to ensure that you have Git.exe available in your system path – the easiest way to do this if you don’t already have Git installed is to download Git for windows (https://git-scm.com/download/win)
Allow Access to SQL Source Control from Visual Studio
I would like for SQL Source Control to also be supported in Visual Studio so my application developer co-workers who prefer this environment can also use database source control without having to switch to SSMS.
37 votesSQL Connect allows you to work in Visual Studio on db changes and integrates with SQL Source Control for users that prefer to be in SSMS. There’s a 28 day free trial at
http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-connect. -
Allow For Arbitrary Scripts To Be Checked In to add custom logic for transitions
It's quite common, when refactoring a set of tables to be able to migrate data from an existing structure into a new structure. This typically happens in 3 steps.
Create the new structure.
Migrate the data from the old structure.
Delete the old structure.From what I can tell of SSC, this is not possible.
36 votesSQL Source Control 3.0 is now available!
It includes a new feature called ‘Migrations’ that will help avoid data loss when renaming a table as it allows you to create, store and share SQL change scripts for accurate deployment.
For more information about Migrations, please visit:
http://www.red-gate.com/supportcenter/Content/SQL_Source_Control/help/3.0/SSC_Working_With_Migrations -
Git - View Version History in SSMS
Currently we cannot view history of objects from SSMS using Redgate with Git as repository. I think this is a required feature. Also, we cannot add comments while commiting. Can these two features please be considered to be added in future releases.
36 votesViewing Git history and adding comments for commit are now available in SQL Source Control 4.1 and higher. Thanks for your patience!
Connect to TFS Preview
TFS Preview is TFS on Azure and although I can use the current process to set up using my TFS Preview URL TFS Preview uses Windows Live Credentials to connect, if I put them in the user name/ password boxes the connection fails.
35 votesTFSPreview.com, now known as tfs.visualstudio.com, is now supported by SQL Source Control. Hosted TFS solutions are TFS 2012 servers and you must setup your configuration to use them. See how at http://www.red-gate.com/supportcenter/content/SQL_Source_Control/knowledgebase/SoC_Using_TFS2012
ReadyRoll integration with Source Control
ReadyRoll looks great but one of it's downsides is that you have to use Visual Studio. If mostly work gets done using SSMS, then switching to Visual Studio is not a great experience.
Both ReadyRoll and SQL Source Control use the same comparison engines, they both output objects as files on disk and support migrations.
To satisfy both worlds (making great experience when using Source Control on SSMS) and have a proper way to automatically update databases from source control files using migrations (like ReadyRoll does), SQL Source control should integrate with ReadyRoll - after each commit, a migration script…
33 votesIn the past year we have introduced a way to do what you have suggested her, which is a hybrid method of using SQL Source Control with SQL Change Automation (which is ReadyRoll under the new brand).
In designing the integration, we found that some users wanted each developer to generate migrations as part of their workflow, while others preferred for this to be done in batches, perhaps by a DBA, when preparing a deployment.
More information on the hybrid workflow is here: https://www.red-gate.com/hub/product-learning/sql-toolbelt/a-hybrid-approach-to-database-devops
Thanks very much for this suggestion and we would love further feedback on whether the hybrid workflow meets your needs.
Excluding "starts with underscore" filters out all objects
I can find no guidance on filter patterns. We have a lot of "temporary" tables which start with an underscore. We've previously used object filters to exclude anything which starts with an underscore. This now excludes all objects in the database, presumably because it's using SQL wildcards. Is the filter syntax SSC uses specified anywhere?
32 votesAs of SQL Source Control 3.8.13, filter rules now support the standard T-SQL LIKE syntax for wildcard characters (‘%’, ‘_’, ‘[abc]’, and ‘[^abc]’ – see MSDN for details).
To include wildcard characters explicitly in a filter, they can be escaped with square brackets.
‘Equals’ and ‘Does not equal’ operators will not treat those characters as special wildcard characters.
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