588 results found
Enter comments describing change for multiple object in one submit
User should be able to enter comments describing change for multiple object in one submit. This will save time for the user to check-in stuff. Attaching a picture for suggested interface.
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1 vote
Error during applying changes to live DB
The error should consist more detailed data. Like from which procedure, function or table such error was thrown. I assume my error has nothing to do with SQL Source Control, it's my DB ;)
1 voteAre you still having this issue?
Rename of objects containing [ not working
I inadvertently put [] into lots of my column names and this broke RedGate. Google found something that might help explain:
I eventually fixed it by dropping the tables, which caused RedGate to run a create table statement rather than sp_rename.
1 voteHello,
What do you mean by “this broke RedGate.” How exactly did it break? Did you get any error messages?
Could you email Support@Red-Gate.com the table script that had the [] in the column names and what you changed it to? This will help us to reproduce the problem.
Thank you!
Scroll beyond teh current page when seleting multiple items
I can select multiple items by click/draging over the items, however it will only allow me to select what is on the current screen.
1 voteDo you have a wheel on your mouse? Once you highlight the items in view, just roll your mouse wheel to keep going down the list.
Another way to do this is to click the first row, hold the shift key down, and scroll down to the last row and click again. This will allow you to highlight everything.
Also, there’s a checkbox in the column header of the Commit/Get list if you want to uncheck/check everything all at once.
I hope this helps.
Stephanie Herr
Project Manager SQL Source Control -
On screen alterts
On the commit tab, if I select any row where changed by is not me a warning appears at the top "Some of the changes may not have been made by you"
This has the effect of pushing everything down the screen and what was under the mouse is now moved.
This is extremely annoying, it would be better to have the warning appear in a dedicated area of the screen that doesn't cause it to change.
0 votes -
Use different color for CASE ONLY changes
When I make a change and for some reason the code is reformatted and keywords are made UPPER CASE, it's almost impossible to see the actual change in the comparison view.
Please if you could just use another color if the only change in a line is about the CASE, it would be much smoother to use the tool.
Thank you for great tools!
0 votes -
"Referenced objects are conflicted" message dialog should be scrollable or resizable
The list of conflicted objects can become so long that the message dialog becomes taller than the screen height. Since the dialog also lacks a scrollbar and cannot be resized, this makes it impossible to click Yes or No when prompted.
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