588 results found
Support SVN "Id" keyword
We already maintain our database scripts in SVN (using Tortoise), and are very keen to change over to your product.
We include the SVN keyword $Id$ in a comment at the top of every object file. When we commit, SVN automatically updates this to provide the Date, Author and Revision number of the last commit. This means that we're easily able to see which version of a particular stored procedure or function is in a client's database.
SQL Source Control doesn't like this though. When I commit a change through SQL Source Control, the Id is updated by SVN, and…
89 votesWe’re currently not planning to support this for v1. Would you be ok to remove the $id$ keyword for now?
We’ll have to see how many votes this suggestion gets…
Internal reference number: SOC-113
Custom comparison key in SQL Source Control
When adding a static table to be managed by SSC the comparison key is automatically selected. Our tables have auto generated INT ID columns as PK used in FK's. In our Static Data tables we have other columns that are unique and for them we have UK’s that we would like to use as the comparison key.
Here is another with the same issue...
http://www.red-gate.com/messageboard/viewtopic.php?t=16498&highlight=comparison+keyI have not found any workaround for this yet at least.
I believe that this would be a great improvement for SSC and would be used by many. If you agree please vote for this…83 votes -
Include Ad Hoc Scripts in SQL Source Control
Whether server configuration, replication scripts, SQL agent Jobs, Powershell, or just test scripts, give me a folder in VCS that I can store and retrieve scripts from. Even if this is to/from a specific folder on my machine, make this an easy process to keep development code with my database.
79 votes -
Prevent user from committing other user's changes
One of the problems with a shared db model, where all developers work against the same database, is that everyone's changes are listed on the Commit List and any user can commit any other user's changes. It would be nice if an administrator setting could be set that would only allow users to commit their own changes There should be someway to prevent other users from committing your changes.
79 votesKendra responded
An update for users on the status of this suggestion:
An ‘object locking’ feature was added to SQL Source Control following the creation of this item which can helps users working in a shared database environment not write over each other’s changes.
This may help prevent accidental commits in some cases, as there is a “Locking” tab which allows users to see which other users are working on specific items.
Locked items are still eligible to be committed, however, and there are cases where users will want to commit an item — perhaps to a specific branch in source control which is not ready to deploy — even if the item in the database is locked.
We have found at Redgate that the easiest way to enable alignment with distributed source control systems such as Git is to empower users to use dedicated development databases rather than shared databases. Tools…
Separate triggers from tables
Please give option for DML trigger changes be tracked separately from tables. It's very annoying trying to support and enhance a trigger-heavy inherited database that needs an extensive trigger optimizations. It doesn't allow me to isolate and rollback my changes very easily ... and branching and integrating - ha! This was almost a big enough deal to send me to ApexSQL... alas, I am regretting my decision these days. It seems people have been requesting this feature in Source Control and Compare for a while... please stop pushing it aside - it's frustrating. Thanks
77 votes -
Auto checkout from TFS on modify of sql object. and show the object as checked out in SQL Mgt Studio
Auto checkout from TFS on modify of sql object, and show the object as checked out in SQL Mgt Studio for other users in case of shared configuration.
76 votesSimilar to TFS checkout suggestion, http://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/39019-sql-source-control/suggestions/802123-tfs-exclusive-checkout-svn-lock. I guess the difference here is that it is an option to do the checkout automatically.
history rename
Treat object RENAME as Source Control (TFS) file RENAME not Drop & Add which deletes Source Control history of the object/file
More details can be found here: https://redgatesupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/88809
75 votes -
75 votes
Full Text Indexes cause process to fail
I think the ordering of the build process needs to be addressed. When I get latest on a local machine it looks like stored procedures are being added before the full text indexes they reference. Currently I am having to de-select any referencing objects, apply the full text indexes and then re-select the objects to be applied. Is there any chance this can be addressed in a future patch?
75 votes -
Performance: Use all available cores when "registering database"
The performance of the get and commit tabs is still very poor. AFTER querying the structure and content from the sql-server, which of course uses all cores to answer the query, only one core is used for the further comparison by SQL source control (shown as "registering database"). This step takes the longest amount of time, so optimizing SOC to use all cores for that operation should speed up the whole thing. Our developers have machines with 8 cores, so this is a huge waste of available ressources and time and thus money.
71 votes -
Shared Model - multiple instances of the same DB
Most of our enterprise applications have mutiple instances of the same DB schema. We use the shared model and would like to update al instances once we commit changes on one of them. As a workaround we commit the changes and then hit revert changes on the instances we need to update
70 votes -
Source Control Standalone instead of SSMS snapin
Source conrtol should be a standalone app not SSMS addin. When performing get latest or commits, on large environments and slow connections this can easily take 20 minutes during which a click anywhere else in SSMS restarts the get latest/commit process. The logical use of source control being a SSMS addon has been outlived.
64 votesWe are building a standalone version, which resolves some (not all) of the performance concerns that exist in the current tool. We are hoping for an early preview release in Q1 2021. Please get in touch if you’d like to try it.
Synchronize Replicated Database Environments // or Possible Workaround such as Filter of Table Columns, contraints, indexes, etc...
Create a way I can synchronize:
Ability to syncronize tables/columns, views, sps, triggers, functions, indexes and constraints.
Avoid displaying individual constraints used for replication. E.g. Constraints that use range of IDs, Indexes of merging, etc.== OR ==
Allow me to:
- Filter Table COLUMNS by Name or part of it; E.g. 'rowguid', '% column name %'
- Filter Constraint Name or part of it; E.g. 'replidentity%'
- Filter Index by Name or part of it; E.g. 'MSmerge_%'
61 votes -
Red Gate Source control should only need one workspace
Red Gate Source control should only need one workspace. Is there a specific reason Red Gate creates multiple workspaces per database linked? This is creating a mess of my workspaces.
58 votes -
Data warehouses need source control too! (Azure SQL Data Warehouse / PDW)
Add source control support for Azure SQL Data Warehouse. I'd love to be able to source control my data warehouse schema.
55 votes -
SourceControl - Ignore Replication Changes
We use SourceControl in an MSSQL Merge Replicated database. The database uses ID pools, which generate contrains all the time with new pools for each table.
The result is that all those tables show very frequently as if they were "changed", while that's technically true we don't care about those changes (those are system generated constrains, we don't want to source control that). It is basically garbage in our "changes" view, and it is actually preventing us from keeping our changes properly committed (hard to look for the changes one is doing, if there are 100 tables changes sitting around).
53 votes -
Theme in Source Control
While I know that the "dark theme" is not officially supported in SSMS, it would be nice if Source Control would support whatever theme is selected in SSMS. In fact, I would like to see the theme scheme available across all of the Redgate product family of tools.
53 votes -
require a commit message for git
Git requires a commit message by default however SQL Source Control circumvents this setting and commits without a message. There are a few other submissions attempting to get this fixed which have been declined. Seems you are missing the point.
In the case "Empty commit message for git is invalid" the very article you've linked points out that it takes special command line flag to commit without a message. SQL source control commits without a message and provides no mechanism to prevent this. There is no configuration for git that will do this because the default git behavior is already…
48 votes -
Ability To Script Indexes and Foreign keys as seperate object scripts
It would be nice to be able to script indexes and foreign key constraints as seperate object scripts as the table columns may not change but may have additional indexes.
47 votes -
Implement the "IGNORE" rules so that database objects can be completed filtered out of source control
Introduce something similar to the "IGNORE" rules found in your Schema compare for Oracles solution to the SQL Server Source Control product.
The problem that exists for those of us with third party databases that have 10's of thousands of objects is that they are not workable using this product because it ONLY applies the filter AFTER it has already tried to extract and manage the ENTIRE database. The "IGNORE" option would allow us capabilities similar to filter but they would be applied UP FRONT and BEFORE the system ever tried to gather and manage every single object in the…47 votes
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