588 results found
Allow 'History' option for command-line SCM
We use Mercurial for SCM and we can't use the 'History' option to rev our databases to a particular change as a result!
46 votes -
Add "Modified Date"
On the "Commit Changes" and "Get Lastest" tab, you should include the last date the object has been modified. So you will be able to sort/filter the objects recently modified.
46 votes -
Pending Changes Report
A tool/report that will list all pending changes you have over all databases in a server, currently you have to go through each database one by one seeing if there are any changes
45 votes -
Pay attention to case changes in static data tables even if case insensitive collation used
SQL Source Control will not notice case-only changes to data if the column has a Case Insensitive collation (which is the default out-of-the-box for most SQL Server installations). This bit me when I needed to "sentence case" some "ALL CAPS" data but SQL Source Control didn't even notice until I forced the collation on these columns to be SQLLatin1GeneralCP1CS_AS, which seems unnecessary. Maybe a per-table static data option?
44 votes -
Changes to data in Static Data Linked Tables should be included in the Migration Script, just as changes to the schema are.
If a table is linked as static data, any changes to the data should automatically be included in the migration script, just as changes to the schema are. Having to write a manual script or use the separate compare tool is extra work, and small changes are easy to miss.
43 votes -
Create the database from scratch
Instead on relying on the user to create the database and all the file groups, files and getting the collation correct, source control should do this for the user. it could perhaps prompt for a file location to put all the files but if I've gone through the effort of making file groups and sizing my files just right, I want those changes to be kept!
43 votesSQL Compare 8.50 comes with the SSMS Integration Pack, which allows you to get the latest version of the db or a specific version of the db to a new database. This will use all the defaults for your new db.
For more information, see http://www.red-gate.com/supportcenter/Content.aspx?p=SQL%20Compare&c=SQL_Compare/help/8.50/ssmsip_deploy_new_database.htm&toc=SQL_Compare/help/8.50/toc1280663.htm.
DB2, MySQL, and PostgreSQL
Are there any plans to support DB2, MySQL, and PostgreSQL? I could use SQL Source Control and SQL Compare for our DB2 and MySQL databases on Linux. Support for PostgreSQL on Windows servers would be useful as well.
41 votesNo plans as of yet…
Connect same database to multiple branches
We use the shared database development model and can have several projects going at once. Some developers may jump back and forth between projects. It would be nice to have the ability to setup a single database connection to multiple branches. Possibly using the SSMS registered server name instead of the physical server name.
39 votes -
make multiple git commits without a refresh in between (until after push)
When committing multiple changes with GIT it takes several extra minutes, because it has to recheck for changes between each commit.
I have a large database and sometimes 10 or more commits to make in a row.
It would speed up a lot if it did not have to refresh in between each commit.
39 votes -
User permissions should be separated from the stored procedures/functions/table definitions
In our set-up there are two databases, one that's used as a template and an actual working database for the application we're developing. The development takes place in the template database and then the changes are moved over to the working database (we have a staging database in which we test the changes with real data).
We would like to link the staging database to source control so that updates to it can be applied easier.
The problem is that we're using user-based authentication to allow only specific users access to specific stored procedures and SQL Source Control treats user…
38 votes -
Notification that you are out of date as other users have committed changes
If other users have committed changes, it would be useful to see these so you know you need to get latest. This could be implemented as a different colored blob on objects so you know that they aren't up to date with the copy in source control
38 votes -
With Many databases source controlled. It would be great if there was a function to view changes and updates across all databases
With Many databases source controlled. It would be great if there was a function to view changes and updates across all databases. At the moment databases have to be updated one by one. very time consuming
36 votes -
Project management issue tracking software (Gemini, JIRA etc) use BugID to link checkins against issues. This allows for a managers to oversee progress on issues and other things (eg: risk of change, code review etc). The SVN BugID (a checkin property) is how a development code checkin is linked to an issue. Add this, and I can integrate our solutions easier at a CMMI level 3-5
35 votesFor now, enter your BugID into the comment field when you commit changes.
Please continue to vote/comment here if you would like to see a seperate Bug ID box like TSVN has. See James’ comment for more details.
Support TFS Proxy Server for Remote Development
Our TFS server is located in a hosting center so that multiple offices can use it simultaneously. We use a TFS Proxy Server locally in each office to cache the data so that it is much faster to work with.
35 votes -
SQL Source Control Configuring Data Compare Options
Make it possible for us to configure how SQL Source Control does its data compare. There are some great settings that work within SQL Data Compare 10 that allow a user to configure how data in each table is compared between data sources. Currently the main feature I want is to allow the selection of table columns to actually compare (i.e. one column is an identity field which isn't always the same).
34 votes -
Allow "Get Latest" in shared model
We occasionally restore a copy of production db over our development db. With SCC in place I imagine it will work like this:
1) Everyone commits dev changes that they care to keep
2) perform restore
3) One person relinks SSC in dedicated mode and uses "get latest" to pull down latest schema to the newly restored dev db.
4) everyone can resume working in shared model.
To cut out the relink in step 3, it would be nice to be able to use the "Get Latest" tab in shared model for occasions like this
34 votes -
Support for SCCI standard
Numerous source control products support the SCCI interface standard. We use 3 products between numerous clients. TFS, VSS, and Seapine SCM. Another possibility is PureSCM.
34 votes -
Cannot create migration script for selected changes in the newest version
Using the latest verrsion I cannot create a migration script for selected changes (checkins in the versioning control system).
The menu option it had in the database context menu is missing.
Why did you remove this feature?
It was nice for allowing migrating environments that you cannot connect to.33 votes -
objects to be treated separately
when i edit a trigger i would like to check in the trigger changes only, not the entire table changes, contraints, etc as i may not have finished with them33 votes -
Option to ignore GRANT differences
Working on the Company domain XX\ but Production is on RackSpace IAD\ means that every permission for domain users provokes a DIFF. I'd like the option to "ignore GRANT differences" for a target Instance. It should be OFF by default.
32 votes
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