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SQL Source Control



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  2. When adding extended properties to tables (like an svn keyword) it fails to commit

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  4. I had disconnected a DB from source control due to performance issues. I have a work-around supplied by RG tech support. When I tried to re-link, I got this message and I am unable to link to the DB in source control.

    Failed to update:

    oEc.#8Jf: Failed to locate the target table [dbo].[Transaction] for the FKTransactionDataTransaction foreign key. ---> RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.SqlCompareException: Failed to locate the target table [dbo].[Transaction] for the FKTransactionDataTransaction foreign key. ---> SmartAssembly.SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException: SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException @ 1435, offset:37 ---> SmartAssembly.SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException: SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException @ 211, offset:38 ---> SmartAssembly.SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException: SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException @ 1369, offset:0 ---> SmartAssembly.SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException: SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException @

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  5. I've created new link to some DB, then commint changes. Then... i've linked some other DB to prevously created link. Now i have many conflicts. For example:
    "create procedure dbo.proc1" a version in DB and "create procedure proc1" a version in source control. In my opinion by linking to existing DB in source control get lates step should be done. To equal both versions.

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    If your database matches what is in source control, we now update your underlying working folder after you link a db so that you don’t see these conflicts on the Commit/Get tabs.

    Thank you!

  6. If someone drop a object and commit it, we lost the object in SVN and the history of it.

    You need to found a workaround like Rename _DROP

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    Dropped objects are no longer in the latest version in source control, but they are still in the previous versions. In SVN, if you “show log,” on the directory level, you should be able to find the dropped object. You can right-click on it and “show log” again to get the entire history for that dropped object.

  7. My work has an internet proxy server that filters connections. When the reporting tool asked to send crash report it failed because proxy server wasn't specified. Any way to configure this?

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  8. SSMS 2008 hung after upgrading to I had to kill the task. I started SSMS 2005, which opened normally. Then, I reopened SSMS 2008 and it started normally.

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  9. Just wondered if someone could explain what the following query has to do with source code control in a Database.


    DECLARE @defaultTraceFileName NVARCHAR(256);

    SELECT @defaultTraceFileName = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(256), value)

    FROM fn

    WHERE [property] = 2

    AND value IS NOT NULL;

    , dt.DatabaseID
    , dt.TransactionID
    , dt.EventSubClass
    , dt.EventClass
    , dt.ObjectID
    , sysTSV.subclassname AS ObjectType
    , CONVERT(NVARCHAR(256), NULL) AS SchemaName
    , dt.ObjectName
    , dt.LoginName
    , dt.ApplicationName

    FROM ::fn
    tracegettable(@defaultTraceFileName, default) AS dt
    LEFT JOIN sys.trace
    subclassvalues AS sysTSV
    ON sysTSV.trace
    eventid = dt.EventClass
    AND sysTSV.subclass
    value = dt.ObjectType
    WHERE dt.EventSubClass…

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  10. While attempting to Create new link to source control in SSMS 2008 I receive the following message: "The URI needs to be an empty directory."
    How can I resolve this?

    Please advise..

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    completed  ·  2 comments  ·  Admin →
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  12. So, this is bad development, but someone put a proc named dbo.USPEmp#. I get all sorts of errors now because of the # sign in the when getting latest updates or trying to delete and commit.

    Failed to update:

    oEc.#8Jf: Errors occured whilst parsing file C:\Users\adamr\AppData\Local\Red Gate\SQL Source Control 0\WorkingBases\b3ae1b30-6f18-4d35-a002-1daa9b3501b5\Stored Procedures\dbo.uspEmp#.sql

    'line 5:34: unexpected token: ["#",<735>,line=5,col=34] [char=85]'
    ---> #Eyg.#Lyg: Errors occured whilst parsing file C:\Users\adamr\AppData\Local\Red Gate\SQL Source Control 0\WorkingBases\b3ae1b30-6f18-4d35-a002-1daa9b3501b5\Stored Procedures\dbo.uspEmp#.sql
    'line 5:34: unexpected token: ["#",<735>,line=5,col=34] [char=85]'
    ---> line 5:34: unexpected token: ["#",<735>,line=5,col=34] [char=85]
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at #oEc.#7Jf.#t.#B3.#sKf()
    at #oEc.#7Jf.#gKf(Action action)
    --- End of inner…

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  13. it be very usful to add comments when commiting changes - so we can see why a certain changes were made

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    There is a 1 line comment box at the top of the “Commit Changes” tab for your comment. If you have a SVN Hook set up to require comments, then your commit will fail unless a comment is entered.

  14. I'm getting the following error when adding the objects to subversion for the first time.
    It breaks in the following partition function:

    CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION FDICPeoRangePartitionFn(smalldatetime)
    RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES('12-31-1975')

    This is the error:

    Failed to update:

    oEc.#8Jf: Errors occured whilst parsing file C:\Red Gate\SQL Source Control 0\WorkingBases\3no2fm25.di2\Storage\Partition Functions\FDICPeoRangePartitionFn.sql

    'line 3:14: unexpected token: [",",<642>,line=3,col=14] [char=102]'
    ---> #Eyg.#Lyg: Errors occured whilst parsing file C:\Red Gate\SQL Source Control 0\WorkingBases\3no2fm25.di2\Storage\Partition Functions\FDICPeoRangePartitionFn.sql
    'line 3:14: unexpected token: [",",<642>,line=3,col=14] [char=102]'
    ---> line 3:14: unexpected token: [",",<642>,line=3,col=14] [char=102]
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at #Eyg.#Gyg.#CGh(FileInfo file)

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  15. Keep Mine has always worked fine for me until today. Now when I click on keep mine it doesn't let me mark the SP as resolvable but if I choose take theirs it does.

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    If you want to “Keep Mine,” then you need to be on the Commit tab to see the checkbox at the top get selected. Nothing happens until you actually hit the Commit button.

    If you want to “Take Theirs,” then you should be on the Get Latest tab. Again, the radio buttons at the bottom just acknowledge what you want to do with the object, but nothing happens until you actually click the “Get Latest” button.

    So, if you’re on the Get Latest tab, you can say Keep Mine, but you won’t be able to do anything with that object until you go to the Commit tab. If you are in the same SSMS and you switch tabs, then we should remember your “Keep Mine” acknowledgement and this object should be selected on the Commit tab.

    I hope this helps.

  16. I wanted to test rebuilding my DB from nothing but when I created a new DB with the same name as the old one, SQL source control showed it as already linked (odd but not a problem) but then it told me there were no changes to get and it wanted to commit a drop of everything!

    I worked around it by naming the new DB something different

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  17. When checking in changes allow the user to link the changes to a Ticket ID in Fortress Item Tracking, adding a comment to that ticket and adding the ticket ID/details to the checkin comment. Also optionally allow the user to complete the ticket when checking the changes in.

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    completed  ·  Gyorgy Pocsi responded

    Using the latest Vault EA build ( it’s possible to connect a commit to a ticket id. An example comment you could use to mark bug id 4 as completed:

    Fixing that old bug #4 #completed

    You can use any status string you have in use instead of completed.

  18. When committing large numbers of changes under CVS, the commit fails with error message 'command line too long'.

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  19. On the Commit Changes and Get Lastest tab, you should include the last user that modified the object. Far too many times I have to ask all the developers to identify the objects that they have changed yet not committed. It would be nice to be able to see that.

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  20. the option seems to have been removed in Source Control 2, we really found this a helpfull option so we wonder why is was removed.

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    There’s only 1 link, but it can do either. If you link to an empty folder, then that’s like a “new” link. If you link to a folder that contains a RedGate.ssc file, then that will link to the existing repository location. :-)

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