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SQL Prompt



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187 results found

  1. Database-specific snippets.

    We have 80 or so databases scattered across 200+ instances and many tables have similar names or identical names with differing schemas: compare person.personpe, dbo.person & finance.personpe. This particular is extreme and there are more examples but the principle applies.

    I would love to be able to define pe as a snippet at a database level so that I can keep my snippet names short and so that I don't have to rename them manually when I am in SSMS with a lesser used database.

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  2. Currently, FROM, WHERE, JOIN, and ODER can all be right-aligned to SELECT when formatting SQL. However, if you introduce a LEFT JOIN, the LEFT keyword is right-aligned to SELECT, and everything else is pushed over to make room for the JOIN. This is hideous and makes no sense.

    Instead, allow the entirety of "LEFT JOIN", "RIGHT JOIN", "INNER JOIN" and "OUTER JOIN" to right-align to the SELECT keyword.

    The attached images explain it better than I can.

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  3. SQL Prompt and SSMS do not have the option to create/remove block comments. This is a serious problem.

    We SQL Prompt users would love the option to add/remove block comments in SQL, between the marks /* and */, because they sometimes serve very different purposes.

    Inline comment options (Ctrl + K, Ctrl + C or Ctrl + K, Ctrl + U) are helpful, but they don't always do exactly what we need. Sometimes they can break things. See below.

    Sometimes we need block comments that cover multiple lines.
    Like this.
    Or comments where each line begins and…

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  4. Add an Enable checkbox in the Style Sheet | Global | Parenthesis settings.

    When SQL Prompt encounters the 'old style' usage of TOP, without parenthesis, automatically enclose the apparent 'what' in parenthesis.

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  5. I've created a few different style templates and named them accordingly, but when I want to add them as buttons to quickly change between styles, there is just a list of styles with no label so I don't know what any of them are.

    So I have to trawl through and add each of them as a menu button until the one I want appears, which is incredibly frustrating and time consuming! When its on the menu bar as a button, it has the appropriate name rather than just "style" so can this be added to the add button menu…

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  6. Can we add option to have "WITH (NOLOCK)" in the Aliases tab in the Options

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  7. When making a CREATE TABLE statement, there should be a formatting option to align the data-type behind the field names.

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  8. When making a CREATE TABLE statement, I would like to have the comma at the beginning of the line.
    I've set the lists.placeCommasBeforeItems property to true, but it's not working for the DDL statement.

    So either fix the comma placement option for DDL statements or add an option for it.

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  9. There is a general configuration for operators AND/OR. However, for us it is important to distinguish between the different places they are used:

    • JOIN
    • WHERE
    • CASE ...

    Would it be possible to configure the AND/OR options inside each block?

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  10. Would it be possible to include the attached menu options in the Style format configuration? It would be very helpful to have it when Formatting SQL instaead of executing it after the Format.
    At least, "Apply Casing Options", "Qualify Object Names" and "Remove Square Brackets".

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  11. We have some comments placed in the code preceeded by one or more TABs. When formatting SQL all these TABs are replaced by one WHITESPACE.
    Is it possible to maiantain these TABs?

    See attached examples.

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  12. We would like an option to get rid of the semicolons. You can only configure the whitespace. When we apply "Format SQL" many semicolons are inserted in our code and we don't wnat them.
    Is it possible to add an option when formatting Style for eliminating semicolons?

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  13. A previous request titled "Formatting SQL Transaction" was flagged as Completed in 2018; however, no option to adjust the formatting for BEGIN TRAN / COMMIT TRAN blocks exists in the latest release of SQL Prompt version 10.

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  14. On our team we are very particular about the order of our joins as they are written in the query. I would like to request an option to format joins so the table you are joining on is the first item in the join. In the example below you join to tableb so the first ON clause is tableb, subsequently on the tablec join the first join is on objects from tablec.

    SELECT (columns)
    FROM tablea a
    INNER JOIN tableb b ON =
    INNER JOIN tablec c ON
    b.id2 =

    SELECT (columns)
    FROM tablea a

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  15. I use the Copy as IN clause a lot and think it is one of the most helpful functions in SQL Prompt.

    It would be even better if it could format the IN list according to the Style setting you have selected.

    This is how it is created when right clicking on the function
    ContractsId IN

    If I then use format SQL it changes it to the way I want it, without line brakes for each row but in relation to the other statement.

    It would be…

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  16. Allow an option when saving / running a file that you format the sql to the format selected. Will make sure the whole team follow the standards and does not forget to run the formatter.

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  17. Add the ability to specify a named formatting style using a comment block.

    Add functionality to specify, in a comment block, what formatting style should be used when formatting the current file. It could be a simple addition to the existing turn-on/off formatting comment.

    Perhaps something like this:
    --SQL Prompt Formatting On - Style = "My Style"

    The above would turn on formatting and specify what style to use.

    This functionality would be helpful in many ways.

    • It is already convenient to have multiple formatting rules, this would keep the user from having to remember what rules apply to what…

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  18. When adding brackets via CTRL+B,CTRL+B, Windows-based principals (users, groups, etc.) are not correctly bracketed. The brackets are placed around the domain or computer name portion of the principal, instead of the combination of the domain/computer and user/group name.

    For example, if this statement is entered


    using CTRL+B,CTRL+B will yield this:


    instead of the correct syntax:


    Would also be helpful if principals from NT AUTHORITY and NT SERVICE could be correctly handled.

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  19. Have buttons to add/remove square brackets rather than tucked away under Options, so they can be toggled on or off easily.

    And/or move the square brackets option out of Options and into the actual formatting style (like the option to remove additional whitespace) so it can be saved and shared as a template

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  20. If I create a query with an ORDER BY clause such as ORDER BY 1, 2; SQL Prompt will flag the ORDER BY and report ORDER BY clause with constants.

    It would be nice to have an option to have SQL Prompt replace the constant(s) with the correct column names.

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