Code Analysis Disable Rule for specific cases
it would be extremely useful to allow the user to disable a code analysis rule for specific cases and not just on a global scope.
cast(cast(0 as binary) pops up the issue BP008 (CAST/CONVERT to var types without length) which my be correct for certain cases but not always.
It would be very hand if I could tell the analyzer to not give any warning for this single line, perhaps by adding a pseudo comment like --##BP008 or similar.
This comment would temporarily disable the warning for this single line/case but not for the rest of a script.
Perfect would be, if I could add more than one pseudo comment to disable more than one code, e.g. --##BP008, BP007, BP006.

TheoL commented
I would appreciate this too. For clarification - would apply to a statement (regardless of how many lines the statement spans.
The block suggestion of Tom Pester is also good idea.
Tom Pester commented
Excellent suggestion as this keeps me from enabling the feature all the time.
The single line comment (in addition to a multiline comment) is much needed as well.
Otherwise you need to add 2 lines to disable a rule:-- SQL Prompt BP008 off
User's statement
-- SQL Prompt BP008 onI miss this single line option to disable the formatting as prompt as well.
Admin[Deleted User] (Admin, Redgate) commented
Related UserVoice (closed as duplicate) -
Adrian Brough commented
I would find this useful to turn off BP018 "UPDATE Statement without WHERE or INNER JOIN clause" where I really do intend to update a whole table at once. At the moment I add "WHERE 1=1" which is rather contrived.
Thomas Rushton commented
There's at least one other uservoice on this.
Richard Moss commented
I like the idea of the UPDATE without WHERE warning - there has been a couple of disastrous times where I've missed out a WHERE and updated the wrong data.
However, SQL Prompts "one size fits all" option of on or off makes the feature useless. For example, I have multiple scripts that do UPDATES to clear out personal information from various tables, which I use when taking copies of customer databases for support purposes, be that hunting down a bug, or performance profiling.
Resharper lets your selectively disabled it's multitude of rules by adding comments in the source code, eg
// ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToConditionalTernaryExpression
This functionality is incredibly useful, and I have these annotations throughout my codebase to shut it up about individual cases while still having the rule running everywhere else.
I think this sort of functionality could be a good fit for SQL Prompt too, allowing me fine control over what statements such not be flagged as warnings, while having everything else flagged. Then I won't get annoyed when my support scripts are blocked, but I will get saved when I run a statement which is supposed to have a WHERE but I fumbled.
Richard Moss