Add option to ignore is_ms_shipped flag in suggestion list
When typing a snippet eg I type zcod I get 3 suggestions - but the top one is a merge replication conflict table definition for MSmergeConflictZZZFULLZZZcodt and the 2 below it are my own snippets starting with zcod
I don't understand why this is the case, my own suggestions that START with zcod should take precedence over an isms_shipped table that ends in zcod surely.
I see you recently added (I am on 9.5.11) ordering based on frequency and I never click this table as it serves no purpose so I cannot understand the behaviour.

Benjamin S commented
It would also be helpful to ignore any objects appearing in MSreplication_objects, i.e. all the stored procedures used for replication, as well as all of the conflict_XXX tables.