"Re-connect" right-click menu option in Tab History
TH knows the instance and DB the tab was connected to. Often, SSMS/SQL Prompt forget upon SSMS shut-down and fire-up the next day, to reconnect. (Happened 2020-10-02, so a current problem on just 4 tabs, when I often have a dozen open).
Select one or more from any of the lists ==> right-click ==> new option to "Reconnect to saved instance-DB", or "Connect all to an Instance" (Problem with that is the default to master means we likely have to visit every tab anyway - unless RG gives us a better version of the Connect dialog! Where it connects and gives a list of databases to choose from... Then we can connect all to a named instance and DB combo! Nirvana!)
Minimally, the ability to reconnect to saved state on demand for even one tab would be better than the more time-consuming path we must follow in plain old SSMS. (Perhaps an option to "Keep TH Open after reconnect" would be helpful, because multiple reconnects is frequently the need.)
Thanks for considering.