Add SQL Prompt to the Mac / Linux version of Azure data studio
I see that Azure data studio support is on the roadmap, but cannot see any reference to the MacOS / Linux versions of Azure data studio?
Would be great to not have to boot up Windows to get to the awesome speed and power which SQL Prompt provides.
Dewald Haasbroek commented
Any update from Redgate side for the support on Mac OS ?
caleco commented
This is extremely critical for MAC users that want to move away from virtual machines (Parallels). Currently I only have a virtual machine with Windows to use the SSMS as there aren't no acceptable extensions on the ADS for mac. Please consider this urgently. Thank you
Doug Johnson commented
Please make full support for ADS SQL Prompt on MAC
Yitzchok Neuhaus commented
Please make full support for ADS SQL Prompt on MAC
Brian Hall commented
I will echo the comments on here. I would love to know why this isn't being worked on. Or if it is, what kind of progress is being made. I'm a Mac and Windows user but I use Windows through my Mac. I try to use as many native Mac applications as possible and this would be one more scenario to help make that a reality.
Raphael Ferreira commented
And sadly, the crickets are still chirping... :-/ R.
Mark Clemons commented
Another Mac user here that would love support!
Kanishk Dugar commented
ADS allows me to query kusto, SQL, write ipynb all in one place. But now I need to run Windows in Parallel for SSMS to user SQL prompt :'(
Raphael Ferreira commented
Guys, please consider: For every vocal person who went THRU THE HOOPS to find this forum (112 votes as of 2023-07-17), there are probably thousands of people out there that would vote in the same direction... Sorry if this comes across as nagging, but it IS 2023, the world has revolved many times over, and bottom line what I am trying to say is that single platform development is ancient history! You guys at Regate do not need ME to say that to you. You are all exceptionally smart people. I mean it. I'm not flattering anyone. Redgate and its developers ARE best-of-breed, period. So, do us all a favor and make SQL Prompt, and as many Redgate products as possible, multi-platform, please. (In my case, ADS for Mac...!) Thank you for listening (reading). Best, Raphael.
P.S. I've had to run VMs using Parallels for decades now, mostly due to SQL Prompt/SSMS... :-/ -
Roland Andrag commented
SQL prompt is now the only reason I still keep a windows box around - whoever is first to release a proper extension for Azure data studio will cement their position in the space for years to come.
Iron Juice commented
I want LINUX support
Brian Shroyer commented
I want Mac Support
Tim Zander commented
This is a significant reason I keep a Windows VM running
Angel Jimenez commented
Is so important for me that this product works in ADS on MAC because is a useful product.
Dylan Nicholson commented
Another vote for this. Please support Mac, we're tired of running Windows VM partitions just to use your product!
Joel Menezes (DO) commented
SQL Prompt is one of the few tools that keeps me running windows on a consistent basis - Having it work under ADS for Mac would be incredible, and my entire team would jump onto that immediately.
Nordy commented
Pretty please... :) Thanks, love you RedGate
Ryan Lee commented
Please create a version for MacOS! We need you Redgate!
Bobby Van Gilder commented
Definitely want this for MacOS. ADS is already starting to replace SSMS in the production environments... please don't make me go back to PC. Lol
Tony Hoffman commented
I am with everyone else. This would be the biggest add!