Incorrect capitalization of system functions
The SQL Prompt formatter incorrectly tries to capitalize (whether automatically while I type or using the formatter) system functions that are missing a database prefix. For example, SQL Prompt doesn't try to capitalize:
but it WILL capitalize
as soon as I hit space, regardless of the CASE setting in SQL Prompt's options. Obvious, a capitalized FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY does not work: the function is case-sensitive.
There does not appear to be a way around this, not even by setting Format -> Styles -> Case -> Buit-in functions to "Leave as is". That only resolves the problem for the manual formatter: the autoformat-while-you-type still capitalizes. Moreover, I actually do want built-in functions to capitalize, just not the system ones that are, you know, case-sensitive.
Naughty, naughty.

This is fixed in the latest build of Prompt, if you’re still having problems please let me know.