Prefered server Connection List
When working all day long with serveral SQL servers, its really annoying to click on "change connection" button + enter the server name you want to connect to, and enter credential.... It would be really great we we would have a "server connection list" where we could build into settings.... So i could add all my server i'm use to connect everyday, and specifying the USERNAME + PASSWORD + Default DB..... So in one-two click, i could switch to another server really quicly

Mike commented
Please please please! Like others have stated, the preferred connection listing is the only reason I have SSMSBoost installed, and they don't keep up with the latest versions of SSMS anymore.
Keith Roe commented
Something along these same lines would be just remembering the connections you had open last time you used SSMS would be helpful. I have many different instances I use on a daily basis. Would not mind being prompted for each connection as it starts up. As it stands, currently only prompts for the last connection used.
IM commented
+1 to how it's done in SSMSBoost. One-click switch between databases that are on different servers. Huge time savings when working with multiple environments. I am surprised it's still not done here.
Chad commented
+1 to the way SSMSBoost does it. I'm considering buying SSMSBoost purely for this feature alone.
Jason Hurley commented
This would be huge. I agree the way SSMSBoost does this is perfectly: -
Blaž Dakskobler commented
There's an implementation for this in SSMS Boost (community licence is free)... actually that's the only reason I have SSMS Boost installed.
@RedGate check out that implementation, there's some other nifty options (like opening a connection in object explorer / a new query window on SSMS startup ... can be set up per preferred connection).
Dave commented
It not exactly the same feature as Registered server.. Because Registered server always open a new Query windows. The new feature should allow us to "switch" the current Query windows connection to a prefered server. So using the same query windows, we could switch to another server in one click without having to type again our query.
PJ commented
I would LOVE to see this enhancement happen. Yes this is like "Registered Servers", but it'd be nice to the be able to open the servers in the Object Explorer in your preferred order, not just in alphabetical order. I prefer to have the server I work mostly during the day to be open at the top of the Object Explorer window, but if I use the Registered Servers method, it opens last of the four servers because it's last in the alphabet.
Garrett Geier commented
This sounds like the "Registered Servers" functionality that is built into SSMS. Within SSMS, go to View --> Registered Servers.
Adam Hafner commented
I would also add the following recommendation for this enhancement to include the ability to assign shortcut keys to switch the connection context of an SSMS tab. That way you could reduce the clicking even more.