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SQL Source Control



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53 results found

  1. One of the problems with a shared db model, where all developers work against the same database, is that everyone's changes are listed on the Commit List and any user can commit any other user's changes. It would be nice if an administrator setting could be set that would only allow users to commit their own changes There should be someway to prevent other users from committing your changes.

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    Kendra responded

    An update for users on the status of this suggestion:

    An ‘object locking’ feature was added to SQL Source Control following the creation of this item which can helps users working in a shared database environment not write over each other’s changes.

    This may help prevent accidental commits in some cases, as there is a “Locking” tab which allows users to see which other users are working on specific items.

    Locked items are still eligible to be committed, however, and there are cases where users will want to commit an item — perhaps to a specific branch in source control which is not ready to deploy — even if the item in the database is locked.

    We have found at Redgate that the easiest way to enable alignment with distributed source control systems such as Git is to empower users to use dedicated development databases rather than shared databases. Tools…

  2. Most of our enterprise applications have mutiple instances of the same DB schema. We use the shared model and would like to update al instances once we commit changes on one of them. As a workaround we commit the changes and then hit revert changes on the instances we need to update

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  3. Source conrtol should be a standalone app not SSMS addin. When performing get latest or commits, on large environments and slow connections this can easily take 20 minutes during which a click anywhere else in SSMS restarts the get latest/commit process. The logical use of source control being a SSMS addon has been outlived.

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    We are building a standalone version, which resolves some (not all) of the performance concerns that exist in the current tool. We are hoping for an early preview release in Q1 2021. Please get in touch if you’d like to try it.

  4. Create a way I can synchronize:

    1. NON REPLICATED database X REPLICATED database
    2. REPLICATED database X REPLICATED Database

    Ability to syncronize tables/columns, views, sps, triggers, functions, indexes and constraints.
    Avoid displaying individual constraints used for replication. E.g. Constraints that use range of IDs, Indexes of merging, etc.

    == OR ==

    Allow me to:

    1. Filter Table COLUMNS by Name or part of it; E.g. 'rowguid', '% column name %'
    2. Filter Constraint Name or part of it; E.g. 'replidentity%'
    3. Filter Index by Name or part of it; E.g. 'MSmerge_%'
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  5. Introduce something similar to the "IGNORE" rules found in your Schema compare for Oracles solution to the SQL Server Source Control product.
    The problem that exists for those of us with third party databases that have 10's of thousands of objects is that they are not workable using this product because it ONLY applies the filter AFTER it has already tried to extract and manage the ENTIRE database. The "IGNORE" option would allow us capabilities similar to filter but they would be applied UP FRONT and BEFORE the system ever tried to gather and manage every single object in the…

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  6. We use the shared database development model and can have several projects going at once. Some developers may jump back and forth between projects. It would be nice to have the ability to setup a single database connection to multiple branches. Possibly using the SSMS registered server name instead of the physical server name.

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  7. We occasionally restore a copy of production db over our development db. With SCC in place I imagine it will work like this:

    1) Everyone commits dev changes that they care to keep

    2) perform restore

    3) One person relinks SSC in dedicated mode and uses "get latest" to pull down latest schema to the newly restored dev db.

    4) everyone can resume working in shared model.

    To cut out the relink in step 3, it would be nice to be able to use the "Get Latest" tab in shared model for occasions like this

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  8. It would be mint* to be able to have SQL Server Maintenance jobs included in SQL Source Control. Could it be added as a new feature?

    • (see kid from Super8 movie)
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  9. Problem:
    Sysadmin role is required to see who changed a DB object. I am not permitted to have this role and I would imagine many devs are in the same boat. This means that when many objects have been checked-in by many users it is hard to pick out one’s own changes.
    Have an option when checking-in which adds a 1 line encrypted comment to the start or end of each object script. The comment would contain the username of the person making the check-in (and a control parameter like the time of check-in for instance)
    This username can…

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  10. When comitting:
    Andy makes an edit and "Changed By" shows "Andy" (but does not yet commit).
    James then makes an edit and "Changed By" is now "James", but does not mention "Andy"

    It would be useful if it could show "Andy, James", to highlight a potential conflict.

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  11. Make SQL Source Control external to SSMS like SQL Compare. This would allow the developer to use what ever IDE they want to and still commit the changes the same way. I would use SQL Compare to make changes, but it can't do everything SQL Source Control can. Mainly the migration scripts and the pre and post scripts.

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  12. Currently, when comparing an SSDT project using SQL Compare, it only loads the base project. If the project references another project as the same database (the standard workaround to the circular reference problem), the objects in the referenced project will not be compared. This can lead to changes being missed and deployments failing.

    It would be nice if SQL Compare could follow the reference back and include the objects from the referenced database in the compare as well.

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  13. When you get conflict when commiting changes it would be nice to be able to right click and open proc/table in new sql editor, do you change (merge) and continue.

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  14. We are a shop that have multiple systems for clients that we managed from within a single database, using a separate Schema for each system.

    I would like to be able to link a TFS database to a filtered list of objects (preferably) an entire schema but I could see where others might like just a subset of other objects.

    If this is currently possible please let me know but I do not see a way to accomplish this without having a separate database for each system per client.

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  15. We couple applications with schemas, not databases. It would be great to link source control to just one schema, rather than the entire database. This way, we can source the code for the application and the database in the same branch

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  16. Issue: In most cases, committing changes from the Commit tab marks 'Action' in SVN logs as 'Replacing' than 'Modified'. This is creating a major tree conflict and related problems for us when trying to merge changes between branches.

    Suggested feature: add option in settings to change this behavior so that Source Control will always do 'Modified' for existing objects than 'Replacing'.

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  17. Similar to how fortress works with visual studio. All objects in the database would require an exclusive or shared lock to be worked. If an object is changed without a lock it becomes renegade for that user.

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  18. I see the changes to be checked in , these may have been done by other developers. I want to compare the changes about to be checked in against the previous version to see what changed before I check in.

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  19. When developing in shared enviroment, I'd love a history tab that I can review all revisions with details, and not have to have a modal window separately. I believe this should be integrated into the main source control tab as change history log. This could help make others aware of changes made that could affect them, yet were already committed. Thanks!

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  20. We generally share one database, but occasionally our developers keep a local version. All of these point to source control, which we consider the 'official' version of the database. A developer could commit changes to source control from their dedicated database. They could even edit the code manually.

    However, if we set up the shared database under the 'shared' model, we can't get latest from source control.

    We currently work around it by setting every database as 'dedicated', even the shared database, but then we miss out on keeping track of which users made which modifications.

    Please offer a 'Mixed'…

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