667 results found
warn against data truncation
I would be nice if SQL-prompt could warn against posible data truncation.
Like assigning a int value to a tinyint field/variable or assigning a varchar(30) to a varchar(3).
I want it both at an global analysis (like find invalid objects) and in the current scrip edit (while modifying a trigger / procedure / function).13 votes -
Automatically find unused variables and parameters
I would be nice to have an option i behavior to automatically finding unused variables and parameters. (like suggestions / definitions)
87 votes -
Extend 'Find Invalid objects' to find other 'problems'. E.g. unaliased fields, wildcards etc.
It would be lovely to find other elements in the database that may not stop it from working right now but are 'problems waiting to happen'. Other examples might be to search for field names that clash with reserved terms.
11 votes -
Bulk Smart Rename
Enhance Smart Rename to accept a list of name changes.
Even if it runs the existing smart rename and concatenates the scripts it would save a lot of data entry time versus doing each change one at a time.
You should require fully qualified names in the import data to avoid ambiguity errors.
58 votesWe’re going to be reviewing this over the next couple of months, which would be released via the SQL Prompt for Teams EAP (get in touch if you want to know more).
In the meantime please add any other information that you think would be useful.
Better tab management
1)Automatically name tabs generated by modifying a stored procedure in the Object Explorer. I noticed you added the functionality to right-click on a procedure name in-line and generate an ALTER script. That's AWESOME, and even more awesome is the fact that the tab is named by default. Usually tabs in SMS have some dynamically-generated name that's useless.
2) add ability to rename a tab without saving the contents of the tab. Just a right-click->Rename
3) Hovering over a tab should give you a pop-up with the first dozen or so lines of text in that tab.106 votes -
More "power" to tabs
1) add a possibility to set custom colours to tabs
2) pin in/pin out tabs
3) automatically set colour for executing queries tabs
4) add possibility to pop-up windows when query execution finish13 votes -
SQL Prompt API
I think having an API to format generated SQL scripts, whether it be from the SQL Compare API or another process like SMO objects, to able to apply the formats saved in SQL Prompt.
34 votesIt would be great if you could let us know more about how you’d use a Prompt API / command line version of Prompt.
What problems are you having without it?
How are you getting around those?
How would this make your work better?
- Don't see your idea?