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SQL Prompt



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90 results found

  1. I often find myself in a scenario where I am doing something like:
    1. Mock some data (SQL query)
    2. Perform a front end action as though I'm a user
    3. Check some data (SQL query)
    4. Alter a procedure (SQL query in a different window)
    5. Repeat

    I think it would be nice if I could pin the mock/check queries to a window in the side of the manager so that I could click to run them instead of having to click in them then shift+f5 or whatever. And even more nice not having to have a second editor…

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  2. I would like to be able to specify different script blocks inside a snippet that would work differently based upon the sql server version of the server I am connected to.

    Or.... optionally have a version indicator on the snippet to perform the same thing. Then if two snippets share the same name it would apply the correct one based upon version.


    :if $version_major$ >= 13
        CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [$dbo$].[$proc_name$] (@param1 INT) AS BEGIN
            $CURSOR$SELECT @param1
        IF OBJECT_ID('[$dbo$].[$proc_name$]', 'P') IS NULL BEGIN
            EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE [$dbo$].[$proc_name$] AS BEGIN SELECT 1; END;')
        ALTER PROCEDURE [$dbo$].[$proc_name$]
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  3. It would be very useful to be able produce where clause from copied horizontal selection from the results grid. For example from the uploaded image, where clause should be

    TYPECODE = 52
    CODE = 1500012200
    AND CTA.ITEMBARCODE = '8001841964966'
    COMPANYCR = 104183
    ENTITY_CR = 46084

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  4. Allow dark theme for all GUI interfaces in Prompt.

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  5. Tab Colors add a great feature to know I am on a production server. It would be improved by being accessibility compliant. In the attached you can see black on red is harder to see than white on red.

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  6. At the moment a user is warned before executing a potentially dangerous operation.
    However, junior devs might accidentally just press enter without thinking twice.
    Please add functionality to PROHIBIT execution besides WARNING (like SSMS Boost has) so that junior devs can't make mistakes at all.
    It would be fantastic if this would be possible.

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. When I export my settings, my own snippets are not exported.

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  9. You should fix the use of multiple versions of your name (Red Gate | Red-Gate | Redgate | redgate | red-gate) across all software and communications. See attached picture.

    We try to promote your products in our consulting company, but everyone uses a different name to refer to your company.

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  10. It would be nice to have colored lines that visually enhance the start / end of a while / if statement

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  11. Surround with, add to the list Select, Pivot, and I am sure there are more items like CTE

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    Brent Ozar wrote this tip back in 2011 and I cant believe i've been struggling with the horrible SSMS tabs every day for my whole career. would be great if SQL prompt has a button to change these settings for you or defaults these options when you install it.

    the main reason being that they are buried away and if I wasnt aware of them then i'm sure many others aren't.

    at the end of every day i have about 10 tabs open and i just close the whole lot because it's too hard and to go through them…

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  13. I'm running a dark theme in visual studio. When the suggestions pop up they are very bright.

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  14. I would like to rename tabs without having to save them as a .sql file to the filesystem. I run with alot of tabs all the time and it gets very difficult if you don't name them to find a tab that has floated into the dreaded drop down arrow. Once its there I have to walk through the whole contents of the drop down list of query windows to find the one I want. With a simple rename of the tab that could be managed by the solution file. I would be able to label them and track them…

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  15. Dark mode support across all red gate tools.

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  16. Custom Aliases - Ability to Alphabetize by table name

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  17. You should fix the use of multiple versions of your name (Red Gate | Red-Gate | Redgate | redgate | red-gate) across all software and communications. See attached picture.

    We try to promote your products in our consulting company, but everyone uses a different name to refer to your company.

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  18. When right-clicking in the results tab, SQL Prompt should offer the posibility to copy the results as a table with markdown formatting (for Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange network). See for the syntax.

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  19. Hi, this is not related to SQL Prompt only, but to the update process in general.
    As our company firewall is blocking the link in Help "Check for updates ...", I have to submit the "Download a 28 days trial" form and download the full "SQLToolbelt.exe".
    Which is also blocked by the company proxy rules. :-(
    So I have to download the file on my private PC and then copy it to my business machine.
    I assume, my company is not the only one with such precautionary measures.
    Maybe you can implement additional options to download updates.

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  20. When writing SQL, I frequently will create a variable within the statement before I have Declared the variable. It would be great if SQL Prompt offered a UI option to autogenerate the variable declaration.

    For example, given the statement:
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Person WHERE Username = @Username
    I would like to use a shortcut key to auto generate and insert the declaration above the statement:
    DECLARE @Username VARCHAR(8);

    For simple fields, the data type can be pulled directly from the field metadata. For expressions, derive the data type as SQL would if possible, or move the cursor to the data…

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