90 results found
Shortcut to switch equality statements
It would be very convenient when going through legacy scripts to be able to hit a shortcut combination to switch the order of an equality statement, for example in a JOIN clause
For example, with the cursor on "A.ID = User.AccountID":
SELECT U.Username
FROM Account AS A
INNER JOIN Users AS U ON A.ID = U.AccountID AND U.Active = 1
WHERE A.ID = @AccountID AND U.ID = @UserIDBecomes
SELECT U.Username
FROM Account AS A
INNER JOIN Users AS U ON U.AccountID = A.ID AND U.Active = 1 --note, only clause where cursor is is switched.
WHERE A.ID = @AccountID…1 vote -
Macro Recorder
Create a plugin to record and replay keyboard commands like notepad++ or sublime.
2 votes -
Using Ctrl-F12 to jump to object - Refresh if required
I often use the Ctrl-F12 feature to jump to an object in the object Explorer, however this doesn't work if the object has been renamed, or was just recently created. In those cases I need to manually refresh the object Explorer before I can use F12. Perhaps the F12 feature could do that for me? (or prompt if it can't find the object)
2 votes -
Add a hotkey that will expand the selection to envelop the current statement
Pressing control+A will select an entire document.
I'd like a control+k, control+A to select the current statement based on cursor position.This would enable me to do a few things:
01. Format the current statement with a hotkey
02. Copy or cut my current statement so I can paste it somewhere elseThanks.
2 votes -
improve right click performance
When I right click in a Stored procedure SSMS hangs, and it takes too long for the menu to show up. Please review Red Gate Source Control for the added entries in the menu to improve performace
1 vote -
Add "Set as Active Connection" to Registered Servers
This is essentially the same as a forgotten SSMS request over here: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/908035/suggestions/32896039
It would be incredibly useful to be able right-click on a server-node in the Registered Servers list and change/set the connection for the current document window to that. You already have a custom context menu item in there ("Tab Color (Server)", so that hurdle is gone.
This idea is related to these, but not quite the same. In both cases, it seems they don't know about the Registered Server functionality, so they're basically asking for this idea, plus for you to re-implement that entire feature.
https://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/94413/suggestions/134251351 vote -
Filter tables, views, etc. on multiple strings
I would like to be able to filter on more than one string in the Object Explorer of SSMS.
For example, I only want to see views that contain “OKDim” or “SSISOK”. Now I can only filter on “OK”, which still results in a long list of views.10 votes -
Disable prompt for major version upgrade when current license doesn't support it
Disable prompt for major version upgrade when current license doesn't support it
2 votes -
Copy as WHERE clause
It would be useful to be able to copy a selection from the results grid which is pre-formatted as a WHERE clause in the same way "Copy as clause" IN works, e.g. copying a single value from ProductID column would produce WHERE ProductID = 5 and copying multiple values would produce WHERE ProductID in ( 5, 10, 15 ).
4 votes -
Open Transaction Warning
Occasionally, developers working in SSMS accidentally leave transactions open. This causes big issues, of course. SSMS lets the user know if they try to close a tab with an uncommitted transaction, but only when the user tries to close the tab.
I would like a feature in SQL Prompt so that it lets the user know that they have an uncommitted transaction. SQL Prompt could prompt the user via a toast pop-up or coloring the connection tab or something
28 votes -
Add Remove Comments to Context Menu
I love the 'Remove Comments' feature, however it takes too many clicks to implement. Please add it to the context menu.
1 vote -
Highlight difference between selected rows
Time to time you need to compare data in the rows, for example when looking for the cause of duplication. If the query is complex enough with joins and wide tables I usually run
and check where the duplication begins to easily find the root cause. The easiest way for me to do so is to copy it into the excel and do some simple formula to find the exact columns that have difference.
It would be nice if SQL Prompt would support that feature. If it's possible then it can be done by highlighting needed…
2 votes -
So I love the suggestion feature where I'm able to type in an object and the code appears to copy. Home run with this feature I can't thank you enough for it.
I was wondering if it would be possible to expand on it though.
Here is a sample. I'm looking to alter an object, let's say a stored proc...
I usually begin by typing EXEC <name> to trigger the suggestion for stored procs to give me the object.Once the suggestion finds the object, the script contents appears in a side window.
Using the COPY button in the…
1 vote -
Allow query results to be editable grid
I would like to have the ability when using Redgate to develop a query as I do today in a new query window with all the object search and suggestions features currently offered in your product.
After I get the query returning the correct record set, I want to be able to edit the record set without having to copy the query and navigate to SSMS’s “Edit Top XXX Rows” menu item.
Editing a field on the row would update that field on that row when I move off the row.2 votes -
Add "duplicate a line" feature similar to Resharper's Ctrl+L.
When cursor is placed on any line simple shortcut would insert exactly same line below and move cursor to the newly inserted. No prior selection of any kind necessary.
1 vote -
Provide optional colors for Warnings & Highlighting > highlighting
Options, Warnings & Highlighting, Highlighting. The light gray does not work well on a black background. I'd like to be able to select another color for that feature.
2 votes -
Shift-F5: ignore other syntax errors
Current behaviour: let's say we're editing a multi-statement script. The cursor is in the middle of one of the statements. Some other statements in the script are broken (i.e. have invalid syntax) but the one under the cursor is perfectly valid. We hit Shift-F5, expecting the current statement to be executed. Instead, we get a syntax error on some other piece of the script half a mile down the screen.
Expected behavior: just run whatever is under the cursor and ignore all other parts of the script.
9 votes -
Open a pre-configured list of servers in Object Explorer when SSMS starts
In the setting of SQL Prompt there should be an option to create a list of servers.
When SSMS then starts It should automatically create a connection to this list of servers in Object Explorer.
It would be a great feature, when working with the same servers, it takes a long time to connect to servers everyday when work starts :-)
5 votes -
SSMS add a pane with a vertical list of open queries
Request title:
SSMS add a pane with a vertical list of open queries
In SSMS add a pane with a vertical list of open queries similar to the Object Explorer pane that can be docked/undocked that you can see the entire file name and quickly navigate or choose from the entire list of tabs of open query files to choose from.
So, instead of horizontal tabs where the file name and other details that are partially hidden or don’t appear if many files are open, have an option to show a vertical list of open files.
Add ability to…1 vote -
BIgger dropdown for the actions list
Selecting code then pressing CTRL brings up the action list, but only 6 items are shown in this list, meaning that for many uses, scrolling or searching (moving is required. A longer list (ideally user-settable) would mean moving mouse directly to most items and selecting is possible.
1 vote
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