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SQL Prompt



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25 results found

  1. Have the ability to turn off notifications such as "Slow cached time detected". I see it every time I connect to a database - and I work with every element in the db's so I want it all to be cached. But I do not want to see this notification every single time.

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  2. It would be nice if we can turn off the auto update check for a new version on start-up. This check is happening in the Visual Studio database project and in SSMS. I'd like to disable it. Thanks!

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    In Prompt 10.0.11 we added a new option to the help menu called ‘update notification frequency’. This will allow you to reduce the frequency of updates all the way down to major versions only (one update a year).

  3. Can an option to download the file be added instead of just applying the update? My environment is locked down so my windows login is not an administrator, so I have to use "Run Elevated".

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  4. Can an option to download the file be added instead of just applying the update? My environment is locked down so my windows login is not an administrator, so I have to use "Run Elevated".

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  5. One of the common UI interaction features in browsers like Chrome and IE is Duplicate Tab feature.

    Ususally the reason you might want to do this, could be because you want to keep an UNALTERED TAB and do SOMETHING DIFFERENT with another page...

    In SSMS this could be a great feature. Example of use please (- I hear you ask)? You could be trying to change script and test the effect of that change vs the original!

    MUCH MUCH Further down the line, you could extend this feature, to highlight the differences between tabs, a bit similar to file compare…

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  6. It would be nice to have some capabilities that exist in Excel 2013. Specifically the feature when you can highlight a column and then at the bottom of the application it gives you some quick statistics for the column. So if I had a column of numbers, and I highlighted the column in the results pane it would give me the Average of the numbers in that column and the sum of the numbers in the column. If the column was text you could see the count of distinct values in that column. This just gives quick access to statistical…

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    The ability to show the aggregate values of a selection of cells in the result grid was added as part of SQL Prompt 10.15

  7. Please provide a way to turn off the gutter icon. I do not use it but what DOES happen is that I constantly activate it when I'm selecting and moving around in my sql. It's annoying - extremely.

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    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    Hi Nick,

    This should already be possible in the latest version of SQL Prompt (7.2.4), you can right click on the icon in the gutter and select “Disable actions list”. Alternatively there’s a check box in the SQL Prompt options on the behavior page for “Show actions list for selected test” and unchecking this should also disable the feature. If you have any problems with it still appearing after you’ve disabled it just let me know.


  8. Just like in Toad and SSMSBoost, there's a facility to create a script such as INSERT based from the given result grid. This would be handy in generating test data or re-populating tables

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  9. 2 votes

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  10. Oftentimes when I am writing queries, the results from one column of one query are quickly needed in my next one in an IN clause. I highlight the column of values from the results grid and paste into the query window, and then have to append commas (and for neatness, I delete the line breaks). I would be nice to have an added option the context-menu of the results grid to add a copy as comma separated list (in addition to the current copy and copy with headers options).

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  11. Can you add "choose style" or "switch style" to the commands section, as a drop down, so that it can be added to the SQL PROMPT toolbar? Or possibly as a hot key menu option?

    I switch styles often. There's the style I like to work in, a style suited for debugging, and the style that management likes the code to be posted with (in TFS.) Being able to switch between them is very helpful. but, going to SQL Prompt --> Options --> Styles --> Selecting Style "with the mouse" is time consuming.

    Thanks for your consideration!

    Lawrence Barnes

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    completed  ·  Thomas Walsh responded

    We’ve released support for quick switching of active styles in version 8 of SQL Prompt. You can right click in the editor window, select `Active Style` and then choose the style you want to switch to.

    You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from

    If you are still keen to have this functionality available via a hotkey, please let us know by opening a new suggestion.

    Kind regards,

    The Prompt Team

  12. This is an old problem that just won't go away.

    The Red Gate toolbar that holds the SQL Prompt icons (Tab History, Add-ins, SQL Test, SQL Search) will not persist it's state in SSMS. You can move it, but it comes back to the same place on it's own row. You can delete it, but it comes back again.

    Recommend (a) making the toolbar's state persistent in SSMS and (b) added a feature to the Options menu that allows the user to remove it.

    Using SQL Prompt on SSMS 11.0.5058.0 (2012).

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  13. Excellent work by the team in SQL Prompt 6.4 implementing the "Insert Statement Highlighting Column and Value" feature.

    It would be great if this could be tweaked to work with split-screen editing. For example, if you have a REAAALLLY wide table, you might want to have your editing cursor in the bottom pane of SSMS but be looking at the top pane.

    To clarify, I am talking about allowing the highlighting to work in both the top and bottom panes if you enable Window... Split (or drag the thing down at the top of the scroll bar).

    This new…

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  14. It would be nice to have sortable columns in the table popup. This way we can see them in ordinal order (as it exists now), or order them alphabetically (or even by data type). Hopefully not much harder than changing a grid column property.
    This would make it much easier for our Oracle folks to accept using SSMS, as it seems all Oracle tools do this by default. It would also shut them up. :) :)

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  15. Assume that I have an INSERT statement such as:
    INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable (Column1, Column2, Column3)
    VALUES ('Apple','Orange','Grape');

    If the mouse pointer is in the word 'Apple', the text Column1 should be highlighted in some way. This will help the user clearly see the alignment of which field they are in. If I move my cursor over to 'Orange', the text Column2 should then be highlighted. This is a very simple example, but sometimes I deal with queries with dozens of columns and it's a chore just to find which value in the bottom of the query corresponds to which value…

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  16. Ctrl - > (right or left arrow key) is the default for move to next word in the editor. In order to escape SQL prompt you can use the left or right arrow, esc etc, but why not include Ctr right arrow or Ctr left arrow so we don't have to type the extra characters. Makes coding with SQL prompt burdensome. Still use it and thanks!

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    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    SQL Prompt doesn’t swallow the Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right if the column picker is disabled.

  17. It would be greate if you could make an option to Execute current statement/block/all staments from top to current stament (current=where the cursor located) when clicking Ctrl + Alt + F5/Ctrl + Shift + F5/Alt + Shift + F5.
    So, if the the cursor located in a the middle of long script, and I'm clicking Ctrl + Alt + F5 it will execute the currnt statment like if I would have select the current statement and click F5.
    Same for Ctrl + Shift + F5 and Current block and for Alt + Shift + F5 and all staments from top…

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  18. Double clicking a word hightlights all instances of that word. This makes it easier to see where the word is used. Good for particularly long scripts.
    Double clicking a table, column, function, view etc. highlights all in your script.

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  19. I'd like to enable schema collection when I'm writing code, and disable it when I'm doing adhoc queries. Why: We have 100 identical databases with 1900 tables in each database. When I run a query that pulls data from each database sqlprompt starts collecting schema data from all 100 databases, then it runs out of memory and crashes.

    The "Turn Off Prompting" option does not help.


    select id,customer from DB1.dbo.orders where date > @d
    union select id,customer from DB2.dbo.orders where date > @d

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  20. Have an option to sort the column list as it appears in the table rather than alphabetically. I have a good memory for where the functionality sits in the table, but I don't always remember the name. Columns are often logically placed in the table.

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    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    SQL Prompt 6.3 will display the columns in their table order rather than alphabetically

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