highlight similar words
Double clicking a word hightlights all instances of that word. This makes it easier to see where the word is used. Good for particularly long scripts.
Double clicking a table, column, function, view etc. highlights all in your script.

We’ve added the “Highlight matching objects” experimental feature in SQL Prompt 7.1 which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Dirk Vansina commented
I would not limit it to double clicking, just check if the text selection has been changed. All text that is similar to the selected text could be highlighted. This has become standard in most IDEs.
Anonymous commented
When dealing with large scripts it would be really helpful to have highlighted all occurences of selected identifier or word.
Igor commented
Notepad++, Toad for Oracle and others have this feature and it is really helpful. It allows to avoid a lot of Ctrl+F\Next\F3\etc key pressing and it is more friendly and quickly to search the identifier within a code. Please include in next release. TIA.
Stephen commented
This is a very good feature of Notepad++ (free), which I'd recommend for reference.
By this time in Visual Studio's maturity, you'd think MS would have included this... With SSMS2012 being VS2012, this feature would be a welcome enhancement contrasted to the detrimental "advance" in SSMS MS has inflicted upon us.