Execute current statement/block
It would be greate if you could make an option to Execute current statement/block/all staments from top to current stament (current=where the cursor located) when clicking Ctrl + Alt + F5/Ctrl + Shift + F5/Alt + Shift + F5.
So, if the the cursor located in a the middle of long script, and I'm clicking Ctrl + Alt + F5 it will execute the currnt statment like if I would have select the current statement and click F5.
Same for Ctrl + Shift + F5 and Current block and for Alt + Shift + F5 and all staments from top to current stament.

This is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
AdminAaron Law (Admin, Redgate) commented
Hi keri,
The current shortcut is Shift+F5. There's also a couple others for batch/start of file, the full release notes are here http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SP6/SQL+Prompt+6.4+release+notes
Sorry for not making it clearer (there's a "Show previous admin responses" just below the completed status but it's pretty hard to see!)
keri commented
This is amazing and awesome. This one feature is what kept me from using SQL Prompt. Now, where is the setting to change the short cut and/or what is the current short cut?
Remko van Brakel commented
Can this be combined with regions. So that you only execute a certain region?
Michael Stoop commented
+3 votes given!
I'd love this feature and control-shift-F5 or E would be fantastic. I use sql prompt on a daily basis and this would really stop my hands from leavingthe keyboard to drag/select.
Additionally, I'd like to be able to distinguish between executing only the current STATEMENT and the current batch (between GO statements).
The trouble with executing the current statement will be that variables won't be declared. If it's just about splitting between multiple selects, a GO would be an easy way to only execute the statement that I'm currently editing.
Tom Pester commented
Could save *a lot* of mouse selections a day
Anonymous commented
@Robert, yes, this is different than pressing F5. If there are 3 separate select statements, F5 will execute all 3 of them. Using Ctrl+Shift+E, it'll only execute the statement the cursor is on. I don't have to highlight the statement using the mouse and then press F5.
Sterling Hickox commented
I've also used Devart SQL Complete in the past and this is the feature I miss most when using SQL Prompt.
Robert Chafer commented
Is that different to pressing F5 ?
Anonymous commented
Yes, this would be amazing! DevArt SQL Complete has this and it's a timesaver!