Shortcut for Switching Styles
Can you add "choose style" or "switch style" to the commands section, as a drop down, so that it can be added to the SQL PROMPT toolbar? Or possibly as a hot key menu option?
I switch styles often. There's the style I like to work in, a style suited for debugging, and the style that management likes the code to be posted with (in TFS.) Being able to switch between them is very helpful. but, going to SQL Prompt --> Options --> Styles --> Selecting Style "with the mouse" is time consuming.
Thanks for your consideration!
Lawrence Barnes

We’ve released support for quick switching of active styles in version 8 of SQL Prompt. You can right click in the editor window, select `Active Style` and then choose the style you want to switch to.
You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from
If you are still keen to have this functionality available via a hotkey, please let us know by opening a new suggestion.
Kind regards,
The Prompt Team
SweetChaiBoi commented
I'd like a hotkey for this too. Before saving something, I often switch the style, apply its casing options and then switch back to my personal style. I guess something like ctrl+1-9 should be enough to switch styles. Beeing able to add them as buttons to the toolbar would be great too.
Lawrence Barnes commented
This is a similar request to "Format SQL - quick styles"
Stephen commented
ApexSQL appears to have this, so SQL Prompt ought to, too... We're developing a standard look, but individuals can tweak the format to their preferences, but revert to standard pre check-in, so a hot-key swap would be much better than bringing the dialog up every time.