Exclude a region from formatting
Sometimes, formatting makes a query less readable, e.g.
insert table (col1, col2, col3, ....)
values (1,2,3,...),
Formatting will put the values on multiple lines if there are enough of them. It's easier to see the data when they are on one line. So how about:
--#region [optional description] #SQLPromptIgnore
--anything in here doesn't get formatted
--#endregion [optional description]
Not sure what would be best for '#SQLPromptIgnore'

As Joe Momberg said, this is now available in 7.3 – http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SP7/SQL+Prompt+7.3+release+notes#SQLPrompt7.3releasenotes-Disableformattingforblocksofcode
You can download the latest version of SQL Prompt from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Joe Momberg commented
Jock Cooper commented
Would love to see this feature.