Right-click highlighted table and "Create Alias"
When I find I want to define my own table Alias within SQL Prompt, I must go to the menu, click SQL Prompt, scan down for "Options", scan down for "Aliases", click "New" and then do something useful.
Please obviate ALL THIS, by giving a right-click fastpath to "Add Alias" while in the script editor. If the table name happens to already exist, please position the list at it (just in case SQL Prompt had issues...)
It is very laborious to have to navigate through all these clicks just to add an alias while in the code.

Nick Hustak commented
Come on guys....this is a no brainer....
Nick Hustak commented
Nick Hustak commented
Really want to see this.
SAinCA55 commented
I'll have to order a birthday cake for this one - nearly five years old. Wow! And it's still as laborious as ever... (Sadness)
Rob Wiley commented
I got very excited when I found out that I could set my own preferred aliases for common tables (we have a lot of all-caps tables that SQL prompt doesn't generate good aliases for). But my excitement turned into frustration when I realized how many steps it takes to add a new alias.
Anonymous commented
It's good idea. I wanted write the same, but found it existed.