code analysis blocks object detail
SQL Prompt v9.0.2.3223 use of Code Analysis has stopped the tooltip for showing structural details.
ie: statement like SELECT a,b,c FROM dbo.TableRequiringLock WITH (ROWLOCK, XLOCK) WHERE ID = @key
will just show TABLE HINT used when hovering over table name as opposed to showing the structure.

I am pleased to inform you that your request has been taken into account. Please update to the latest version in order to use it!
Anonymous commented
Table name overlays Code Analysis Rule on my screen making the rule hard to read. Screen shot here:!AkuwjHRQU8bjhwFFaRbhwkN-5dVm
Brian Johnson commented
I was running 9.0.6 just today--upgraded to 9.0.7 and can confirm it did fix the issue in my case. Thanks!