Duplicate Tab
One of the common UI interaction features in browsers like Chrome and IE is Duplicate Tab feature.
Ususally the reason you might want to do this, could be because you want to keep an UNALTERED TAB and do SOMETHING DIFFERENT with another page...
In SSMS this could be a great feature. Example of use please (- I hear you ask)? You could be trying to change script and test the effect of that change vs the original!
MUCH MUCH Further down the line, you could extend this feature, to highlight the differences between tabs, a bit similar to file compare / winmerge...
This could also give sense of versioning of script to user....
And guess what? While typing this I duplicate new Tab (in Chome) - to check that you haven't had a suggestion about versioning(!) - Wouldn't it be great to add this to SSMS?
BTW, I love SQL Prompt :-)

We’ve added this to SQL Prompt and it will be shipped in the next release.