Make intellisense recognize procedure/function valriables
Intellisense does not seem to recognize variables declared within the current stored proc. This would be helpful.

This was fixed a while back – I’m sorry for not updating your request sooner!
You can download the latest version from
AdminPaul Stephenson (Admin, Redgate) commented
Hi Tom,
SQL Prompt does try to guess when it's appropriate to pop up the suggestions box, as you've noticed when you type SET. If the box doesn't appear automatically (e.g. when adding letters to an existing variable name) then you can press Ctrl+Space to bring it up.
Hope this helps!
Tom Harrocks commented
OK, as a newbie I mis-interpreted the behavior.
intellisense does recognize and suggest as I type "set ", however, if I have the statement partially typed, "set @myV" then type "ar" as the continuation of the variable name it does not recognize or suggest. I believe this is typical, that intellisense does not trigger when typing in the middle of a column name or variable name. It would be nice if it recognized the characters preceding the cursor on character entry as a trigger for intellisense.