align aliases
Please, separate options to align aliases for columns and tables..... I love aligned column aliases, but table aliases advance too far right, unnecessarily.
Eric Isaacs commented
I like the aliases when they align close to the table names. But when they go too far right, they're not helpful, as this suggestion implies. Better than this suggestion, having the ability to configure the MAX distance to tab over an aligned alias before it just doesn't align the line with the other aliases would be great. I'd rather have some aligned close to the table names and the problem line skipped than no alignment at all.
Niels van de Coevering commented
Yes, suggesting the same
Here's an example query. When enabling the "Align aliases" option under "Lists", the aliases for tables are also aligned, which causes the table aliases to move away to the right from the tables.
column1 = GETDATE()
,column2withlongname = HOST_ID()
sys.all_views [av]
INNER JOIN information_schema.views [v]
ON [v].table_name =
INNER JOIN information_schema.view_column_usage [vcu]
ON [vcu].view_name =;