Control the behaviour of SQL Prompt insertion
I would like the ability to control how SQL Prompt completes my statements for me, this mostly becomes an issue with procedures with multiple optional parameters.
If I used sp_whoisactive as an example, there are multiple optional parameters but it is capable of running with no parameters at all, so I find myself having to spend longer than I want to either highlighting the bit I want execute or deleting all the parameters that just got written for me.
So a setting where I can assign keys to complete full statement and keys to simply complete object name would be really useful.
As as a basic example, I type "EXEC spw" I hit TAB if want the statement completed, I hit ENTER if I want the statement plus all optional parameters. You could have similar behaviour for INSERT statements etc...
Note, whilst I realise you could achieve this with a snippet for a single parameter, this more about the ability to do it on demand for all and any object.