Suggestion for THIS site
This is a Format SQL request; not for SQL Prompt, but rather for this website. I don't know how many hundreds of examples have been posted where the author spent quite a bit of time formatting an example, only to have the posted code totally bastardized. Have at least a <code> tag that would present the content within the tag in a fixed-width font and not remove leading spaces. I've seen some posts where the poor soul has tried 2-3 times to get their poin t across only to have the presented code rendered in a way that completely loses intent.

Chad commented
I don't think it's very difficult to figure out the whole "four spaces puts a line into a code block" thing. Since that's also how StackOverflow implements it.
But I do agree, the (lack of) instructions could be more clear, as I had to go back and edit my post after realizing this.
I do, however, find it annoying that they replace your line breaks with html <br> tags, even though it's already in a <pre> tag, so everything becomes double spaced.