Bring Back Tab History
Tab History NEVER should have been replaced with SQL History, a very poorly received roll-out that angered many paying customers. The fact that Red-gate felt it necessary to re-brand the thing is indication enough that it wasn't simply an update to Tab history but a replacement. That said when you do something like this in a product people are paying for it should be rolled out as something new and not something that replaces an existing beloved feature.
Perhaps after enough updates SQL history will be usable and thus tab history unnecessary but there's no telling how many updates that will take if it's ever doable so I want to see Tab History returned and SQL History as a separate feature. As long as SQL history is not optional I may never upgrade SQL Prompt again. Perhaps it's time to check out some of your competitors products.
Let the paying customer decide what they want to use!
Simon Collis commented
I couldn't agree more. Tab History had a streamlined UI, wasn't a resource hog and was useful when needed. SQL History is bloated, has features that really aren't useful and turns searching into a woefully overcomplicated procedure. It's not a replacement for Tab History, and it certainly is *not* a better product.
Jimbo commented
Redgate's idea of listening to the customer is to keep telling them that SQL History is a much better replacement for Tab History.
Even though enough people have complained and stated quite clearly that it is NOT a better replacement in any sense of the word.
Bring back Tab History and stop being so stubborn about the issue and show a bit more respect for your paying customers!