Remove trailing spaces
Option to remove trailing spaces from script lines. This can be done via search/replace functionality but it would be nice to have this taken care of automatically during the SQL code reformatting

Version 8 of SQL Prompt allows you to do this as part of its new formatting system.
You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from
If there is something missing please let us know by opening a new suggestion.
Kind regards,
The Prompt Team
Richard commented
@Tuomo... You say that it does this; but it doesn't do that for me. I'm using, and it doesn't remove tabs or spaces on an otherwise blank line; and it doesn't remove similar trailing whitespace on other lines in the script. I can't spot any options in and of the "SQL Prompt"/Options/Format sections.
Rubiksmomo commented
"SQL Prompt > Format SQL" does this in current version
Jim commented
Not only spaces, but white space in general, like tabs too.