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SQL Prompt



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76 results found

  1. Please add support for the new SQL functions LEAST and GREATEST. Currently only available on Azure DB.
    Information (can't find official Microsoft documentation):

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  2. Its really annoying to see table names suggestions in the intellisense while typing SELECT statement. I feel its not the new feature but its the bug to be fixed.

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  3. I use GROUP BY only for 'by all non-aggregated columns' in 99% of cases. I've created snippet for GROUP BY (gb) and then I pick this option from the intellisense menu. It would be nice to have possibility to have snippet that would add these 'all non-aggregated columns' automatically most probably by adding new variable.

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  4. It is common to create functions and stored procedures that have parameters with the same name as fields. Sometimes the @ is mistakenly skipped when creating a WHERE condition and you end up with something like ID = ID instead of ID = @ID. I would like intellisense that warns me about this type of error.

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  5. I would like to see intellisense provide you a list of backup devices that are created when you use the backup database key words.

    Backup database [database names in drop down] to [ disk, file, Url, backup devices in dropdown]

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  6. Please add Prompt features when connecting to a Snowflake database

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  7. When I have a table with multiple indexes and I want to determine if a certain column or group of columns are part of an index, I basically have to script all of the indexes.
    I would like to be able to hover over an index name in the Object Explorer and have SQL Prompt display the index definition without having to script it.
    Same with constraints.

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  8. I work on the same databases on a regular basis. Many do not have foreign keys and do not used identically named column names in tables that I'm joining.

    I repeatedly have to specify the same several columns in the join condition.

    I'd love a way for SQLPrompt to either remember join clauses I've previously used, or allow me to specify default join conditions for pairs of tables (or both).

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  9. Add an option to have the DISTINCT keyword appear at the top of the suggestions list when the first few characters (DIS, DIST) are typed, ahead of any column name suggestions. Nearly every time I type DIS or DIST, I want the DISTINCT keyword and not a column name that begins with the same letters.

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  10. I use global temp tables (##), and intellisense doesn't pick them up, even after a refresh.

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  11. I often need to have Order By added and the following enhancements will help (same as in the grupy by intellisent)

    • order by "Primary Keys" -> Order as in table
    • order by Select-list columns -> order as in the select list
    • order by Select list columns from table x

    All three would help to type less


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  12. Could see there are ranked suggestions, which is good.
    Can we take this to next level by letting user add custom ranking to suggestions to see those we rank always at the top but with a requirement that you need to enter at least a single letter so that your custom suggestions starting with that letter would be the first in order of display.


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  13. The constraint name is not suggested when using the syntax

    The suggestion feature works great when using NOCHECK CONSTRAINT

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  14. Intellisense brings up 'd', CREATE SQL Server login, to top of suggestions when referencing a column beginning with 'cl'.
    Specifically, I see this in the where criteria. Have no clue why it would even bring up a 'CREATE SQL Server login' snippet in the context of a WHERE; especially when the autocomplete is coming from the dot to an alias of the table.

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  15. If I write "drop sv_myview" and this view is used in other views (has objects, which are dependend on it) there will be great a warning: "This object has objects, depending on it. Drop anyway?" So I can first recode the dependent objects and then drop it.

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  16. I have version please have sql prompt STOP trying to complete things after a single Apostrophe. VERY Annoying

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  17. When redgate is writing the "in clause" for us based on selected cells it would be nice if it also put the column name in the clipboard when all fields selected are from the same column,

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  18. When typing a string of text within a quote, do not replace my text with objects from the database.

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  19. COLUMNPROPERTY ( is missing two suggested property values that were introduced along with System-Versioned tables in SQL Server 2016.
    Please find the missing values below:

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  20. When you select a table from the intellisense list
    Precede the table name with the database name as well
    Currently it is only inserting the schema name in front of the table name
    i.e. dbo.<table name>

    It should be <database name>.<schema name>.<table name>

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