588 results found
Add snowflake support
101 votesKendra responded
As David mentioned in the comments, we currently recommend Flyway to help version changes for Snowflake.
Flyway doesn’t help with authoring or scripting changes, but it does provide a framework and guidelines to consistently version your changes in a deployable fashion that’s suitable for automation.
Thank you for the suggestion and comments, as well those who have voted.
SQL Sourse Control Sort Option
Provide the capability to save the users last sort settings. For example on the Commit tab if I sort by last changed by (asd); the next time I go to the Commit tab it should be sorted by last changed by (asd).
3 votes -
Partially contained databases
SQL Source Control should officially support partially contained databases
4 votes -
Make SQL Source Control external to SSMS
Make SQL Source Control external to SSMS like SQL Compare. This would allow the developer to use what ever IDE they want to and still commit the changes the same way. I would use SQL Compare to make changes, but it can't do everything SQL Source Control can. Mainly the migration scripts and the pre and post scripts.
18 votes -
Better Git performance
While it is great the SSC supports Git, I have found that when connected to a large repository, SSC can take forever to commit or do a get latest.
I have also noticed that the working base and transient folders can grow quite large as the whole Git repo is cloned into these folders. I have had to periodically go in there and have Git compress it's objects so that I can reclaim some disk space.
I imagine that the performance of SSC is related to the size of the Git repo and I just feel like there is room…
24 votes -
database properties
Redgate still does not Support Database properties??
They shuold support properties like (Transaction Isolation level (Read Committed, Snapshot)Ansi Null, Quoted Identifier). These are Crucial. I cannot believe these are not in source control yet. The product has been out since 2006.
6 votes -
Disconnect the SOC pane from Object Explorer
Right now the SOC pane is linked to the database in Object Explorer. The problem in this is that the pane can't work asynchonously to get changes while I move on.
Give the slow performance of looking for changes and populating the commit tab, can we
- Put a drop down in the SOC pane to choose the db
- Have the Commit popular process (refresh) be set to work with this database asynchronously. Either allow me to set a polling interval or click the refresh button, but then allow me to move to another tab and continue to work.
- Same for…
13 votes -
Generate a Script rather than Apply changes in the Get Latest tab
I am using GIT and SQL Source Control. After running "Pull from remote repository" in the Get Latest tab, the only option is to Apply changes which directly updates the database.
If the changes include something like the classic renaming of a column, it will drop the column and add a new one and I lose data.
I would like to be able to simply generate a script so I can review it and manually apply it rather than directly update the database.
20 votes -
Custom Formatting
Allow for custom formatting used by SQL Prompt to also be used when committing code with SQL Source Control.
131 votes -
Changing a data type used in a SP creates problems
When changing a data type used in a SP (e.g. add a new column to it and commit it). getting latest fails on other linked DBs. You have to drop the SP on the target DB.
The weird thing is that sometimes it works, but most of the times it doesn't. Not sure why the behavior is not the same all of the times...3 votes -
Enable quick access to the source control log
Currently accessing the log of the version control system is very slow.
On a good computer it takes me 20 seconds to open the view history from your menu.To open the same log through tortoise svn it takes me 2 seconds to lokate the ex. "Open working base" under the "Under the hood menu" in Setup and 1 second to launch the tortoise SVN log viewer for the project.
Could you please consider adding a possibility to either open the history quicker, or alternatively allowing the user to open the version control log in an external viewer.
Maybe there…
3 votes -
Theme in Source Control
While I know that the "dark theme" is not officially supported in SSMS, it would be nice if Source Control would support whatever theme is selected in SSMS. In fact, I would like to see the theme scheme available across all of the Redgate product family of tools.
53 votes -
share information about environment between red-gate tools
SQL Source Control and SQL Prompt may not know about an environment (i.e. a developer not having access to staging or production server) and there's not really a facility in either tool to store information about the version of any environment.
Thus, SQL Source Control has to ensure backward and forward compatibility when creating migration scripts - which then triggers Code Analysis Errors in SQL Prompt...! It is a mess to clean up, and frankly a waste of time.
I suggest a feature where I can define my environments in the Tab Coloring in SQL Prompt including a listing of…
1 vote -
Upgrade AppData path when installing Upgrade
I've been told this is by design: When upgrading SQL Source control from say v5 to v6 all of the source control linked db configs are left behind in the previous AppData folder (%localAppData%\Red Gate\ SQL Source Control 5\ in my example) not moved to the new upgrade version folder (%localAppData%\Red Gate\ SQL Source Control 6)
This leaves a history of folders in every users profile, and for us 'from the beginning' users I've got v3-v6 folders that I shouldn't need.
I'm told this is for Network and rollback reasons.
I suggest a checkbox or some such thing during the…
3 votes -
Change branches from SSMS.
If you use multiple branches for a database and you need to switch branches there is no way to change branches in SSMS. While opening some UI for git or using the command line is not difficult it would be nice to just switch to some branch, pull and apply changes, as needed/wanted all inside of SSMS
207 votes -
Commandline Source control
It would be great if we could integrate SQL Source Control with our build scripts. For example a simple command line command to get the latest changes and apply (or script) them to our staging environment would be great. Or a command to commit all changes to source control.
5 votes -
Indicate locked objects on the Commit screen
When we look on the Commit tab at all the changes which have been made to our test environment, it would be useful to be able to see if objects are still being worked on (and who by). Could we have a column next to "Last changed by" to indicate the user who has the object locked?
For example, if one of our developers is still working on a given stored procedure, they don't want me nagging them to check it in if it is a part of a larger piece of work, which will all be checked in together…
10 votes -
Export / import Link Database configuration setting for shared mode
It is very hard to do manual database link to repository/SVN if dealing with large number of databases (200 plus within one team) across large number of source control group. Every team member has to spend time and carefully map repository folder.
One user perform manual link to repository and his/her/ setting validated by QA Team before distributing link config file (xml) to the user group.
The basic requirement is user should be connected with the DB server and pass the repository path and credential. you may design few screen to navigate and collect user input based on provider input…
11 votes -
"Referenced objects are conflicted" message dialog should be scrollable or resizable
The list of conflicted objects can become so long that the message dialog becomes taller than the screen height. Since the dialog also lacks a scrollbar and cannot be resized, this makes it impossible to click Yes or No when prompted.
0 votes -
Include sys.message custom messages in static data
The deprecated RAISERROR, and newer THROW T-SQL instructions can use custom (user-defined) messages written into the sys.messages table using sp_addmessage.
Since these are part of the "source" of a database in SQL Server, and should be syncronised across developers and implemented in production, it would be nice if the custom messages saved in this table can also be added to the static data in a repository.5 votes
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